Sunday, September 13, 2009

Memorandum from Superintendent Cason to Principals and others, and more

George Boston Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia

To: VCS Board Chairman, All Board Members, Concerned Citizens, Internet, and beyond

The following memorandum was given to me and I believe all Americans would like to know about it. Below I have also highlighted cases wherein this valuable time the School Superintendent (Dr. Bill Casey) mentions is in question.

Therefore we must question this memorandum in relationship to time and Dr. Cason intent of such an act.

Moreover, I would like to apologize to all parents now serving in the United States Armed Forces in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in other foreign nations on behalf of our EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF President Barack Obama.

Moreover I apologize because we have disrespected your children, and their parents here in Valdosta City School System. This was done by not allowing them to watch their fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers Commander-In-Chief of our Armed Forces to speak to them live in their school system with their friends and educators and all other presidents in the history of our beloved nation.

As a Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran I am sorry that our Superintendent Bill Cason made the wrong decision and has set a disgraceful and dangerous precedence when it comes to who can visit our schools in the Valdosta City School System in the future without perhaps a law suit being filed.

Below is a copy of the letter sent out to Principals and others in the Valdosta City School System. There are attachments above surrounding Title Town USA that even local citizens may not be aware of. How Sad?

Retired United State Armed Forces Veteran (Vietnam Era)
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity.



To: Principals
From: Dr. Bill Cason
Date: September 3, 2009
Re: President Obama's Speech

As you are aware, the Valdosta School System focuses on teaching and learning. The district is mandated to follow the state's new curriculum, the Georgia Performance Standards. These standards are designed and written to insure that students reach their highest potential.

President Obama's proposed lesson plans, to be completed before, during, and after his speech, are not aligned to Georgia state standards and therefore, would not meet the district's instructional goals; nor would it help students achieve or exceed personal and educational goals. If the President's lesson plans were carried out, as written, significant instructional time would be diverted from our main goal of teaching the Georgia Performance Standards. Daily instructional time is a valuable resource, and every effort should be made to maintain its integrity. It should be noted that the speech is to occur during the time that lunch periods are scheduled.

In order to maintain our instructional focus, schools will not participate in this activity, Families have the option of watching the President's speech with their children outside the school day, as the speech will be available on both the White House ( and CSPAN ( website after the broadcast. In addition, the school district will make available copies of the president's address to be shared with parents in the event they do not have access to either website.


Gayle Golden, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning

Marty Roesch, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations

Page Arnette, 6-12 Curriculum Director
Dara Holt, preK-5 Curriculum Director


September 11, 2009

George Boston Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia 31605

To: Valdosta Television, Newspaper Editors, Blog, Presidents Barack Obama Web Site, Concerned Citizens, Military Veterans Web Site, Internet, and Beyond….

Valdosta City School System Superintendent Bill Cason could not allow time for the President of the United Sates Barack Obama to speak to inter school children in Title Town USA. However, for the next two weeks, Valdosta City Schools will be participating in the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) and Cogat is a cognitive abilities test (Cogat Testing). In all honesty since the Valdosta Daily Times published Dr. Cason reasons for not permitting children to watch the speech because of the Georgia Performance Standards and restraints. I would like the good superintendent to explain the following:

TEACHERS can see why they might take the Cogat test. This test helps us look at how a child's academic ability. (The child's IQ) The Iowa Test of Basic Skills is not used for anything other than to see how well the students do as compared to other students. The system spends a pretty good penny for this test. This test interrupts FOUR DAYS OF INSTRUCTION. This test is not aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards. (This VS the Presidents 21 Minute Speech of the president)

Since Valdosta Schools should NOT be wasting any instructional time, why are TEACHERS taking this test? On the other note, TEACHERS remember sitting two hours in the gym last year looking at a play that was put on by the Valdosta State University Drama Department. The play was good for lower grades but TEACHERS should not have lost instructional time looking at this play. This year alone, TEACHERS have lost time for a fund raiser drive and for students to go to the office to get ducks if they sold one item.

TEACHERS lose instructional time for students to escort grandparents on grandparent day. TEACHERS lose instructional time for the Valdosta High School Band to come and do a concert, TEACHERS lose instructional time for the Boy Scouts to recruit boys, TEACHERS lose instructional time for the book fair, TEACHERS lose instructional time for pep rallies, TEACHERS lose instructional time for school pictures, TEACHERS lose instructional time for STEEP testing that is on basic facts and the CRCT is based on problem solving, TEACHERS lose instructional time on Guided Reading and Guided Reading is a lower grades implementation program. Countless times TEACHERS lose instructional time but TEACHERS could not give the President 18 minutes.

TEACHERS lose instructional time on honor roll parties that only recognize students that make all "A's" which is so unfair for those students who need just a little incentive.

The list goes on.... What are TEACHERS teaching our children when we say that the EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the UNITED STATES message is so unimportant that TEACHERS need not listen to it? TEACHERS remember on inauguration day, TEACHERS all turned THEIR televisions on because history was being made for a man who gets no respect from the very same people who empowered him.

Simply because he did not turn out being another "MONKEY" on a string. Simply because he utilize his brain rather than his body like so many of our other wonderful presidents. Notice, I did not capitalize presidents. So we must really understand the definition of Title Town USA.

So welcome to the “Title Town USA that you don’t know! God Bless our Children under Superintendent Bill Cason and those who maybe influenced him to make this decision. Apparently they are locked in the 1860 Valdosta Charter Mentality to control, suppress, and abate the people in Valdosta City School System. How Sad in 2009 in the history of our beloved republic?

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Letter to Editor, (NOT PUBLISHED IN VALDOSTA DAILY TIMES) Dr. Cason Reasons for not allowing speech...

September 13, 2009

To: Valdosta Daily Times, Other Editor, Department of Justice, Presidents Barack Obama Web Site, Citizens, Internet, and Beyond….

Superintendent Bill Cason of Valdosta City School System could not allow time for the President of the United Sates Barack Obama to speak to the inter school children in Title Town USA. However, for the next two weeks, Valdosta City Schools will be participating in the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) and Cogat is a cognitive abilities test (Cogat Testing). In all honesty:

TEACHERS can see why they might take the Cogat test. This test helps us look at how a child's academic ability. (The child's IQ) The Iowa Test of Basic Skills is not used for anything other than to see how well the students do as compared to other students. The system spends a pretty good penny for this test. This test interrupts four days of instruction. This test is not aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards. (This VS the Presidents 21 Minute Speech)

Since we are a school who should not be wasting any instructional time, why are TEACHERS taking this test? On the other note, TEACHERS remember sitting two hours in the gym last year looking at a play that was put on by the Valdosta State University Drama Department. The play was good for lower grades but TEACHERS should not have lost instructional time looking at this play. This year alone, TEACHERS have lost time for a fund raiser drive and for students to go to the office to get ducks if they sold one item.

TEACHERS lose instructional time for students to escort grandparents on grandparent day. TEACHERS lose instructional time for the Valdosta High School Band to come and do a concert, TEACHERS lose instructional time for the Boy Scouts to recruit boys, TEACHERS lose instructional time for the book fair, TEACHERS lose instructional time for pep rallies, TEACHERS lose instructional time for school pictures, TEACHERS lose instructional time for STEEP testing that is on basic facts and the CRCT is based on problem solving, TEACHERS lose instructional time on Guided Reading and Guided Reading is a lower grades implementation program. Countless times TEACHERS lose instructional time but TEACHERS could not give the President 18 minutes. TEACHERS lose instructional time on honor roll parties that only recognize students that make all "A's" which is so unfair for those students who need just a little incentive.

The list goes on.... What are TEACHERS teaching our children when we say that the EXECUTIVE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the UNITED STATES message is so unimportant that TEACHERS need not listen to it? TEACHERS remember on inauguration day, TEACHERS all turned THEIR televisions on because history was being made for a man who gets no respect from the very same people who empowered him.

Simply because he did not turn out being another "MONKEY" on a string. Simply because he utilize his brain rather than his body like so many of our other wonderful presidents. Notice, I did not capitalize presidents. So we must really understand the definition of Title Town USA. Welcome to the “Title Town USA that you do not know! God Bless our Children under Superintendent Bill Cason and those forced him to make this decision. Apparently they are locked in the 1860 Valdosta Charter Mentality to control, suppress, and abate the people in Valdosta City School System. How Sad?

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity