Sunday, April 25, 2010

VCS Board Answers (Local) Citizen! A Must See and Read!


The following questions were presented to the "Valdosta City School Board of Education." The BOARD ANSWERS are following each question. As I promised my radio listeners during my "Daily Radio Broadcast" on (WJEM 1150 AM, Monday - Friday FROM 9:30 - 10:00 am) that I would make ANSWERS public.

I believe "CITIZENS" have a right to know and not be kept "DEAF, DUMB, and BLIND to the times" and unable to make intelligent decisions based on FACTS in our metropolitan metropolis. Our SCHOOL BOARD should represent all citizens and not a select (CONSERVATIVE) few. It should utilize all MEDIA OUTLETS including WJEM 1150AM, WGOV 950AM, FOXY 97-3FM, and others that parents, students, and comunity leaders listen to.

All fair minded Board Members should understand that all NEWS MEDIA OUTLETS should be used and not just the one wherein our 44th president is called a CLOWN, and another STATION that make fun of the president daily without question. I belive Valdosta Can do better! It seems that our board members approve of exhaulting one media outlet above others. How Sad in 2010?

Copy and Paste: (School Website)

(Population of 48,000 but VCS Board are only represented one radio station and a certain group of listeners. Why sould this website be on the school website and not on others?

(VCSB Members seems unfair to other local media radio and television stations in our comunity of 48,000 citizens). Who are they really representing)?

Does 92.1 website and content represents the majojrity of parents and students in the VCS System? Should not the majority of students and parents in the VCS System be equally informed as American Conservatives Listeners?

So why are our Board Members so happy in 2010 with this disrespect of the larger portion of citizens? Why have community leaders not spoken out on the issue of fairness to all citizens?


Superintendent, William Cason
District 1, Ms. Annie Fisher
District 2, Ms. Vanasse Flucas
District 3, Mr. Warren Lee, Vice Chairman
District 4, Mr. Dean Rexroth
District 5, Mr. Trey Sherwood
District 6, Mr. Bill Love, Chairman
At-Large, Mrs. Jeana Beeland

QUESTION: (Why an At-Large Seat in 2010?) And this is being DONE on CITY COUNCIL ALSO WHY?




START HERE: If you care?


1. What has the Valdosta City School Board of Education and Superintendent done to hire more QUALIFIED Black African American Educators?


• Valdosta City Schools conducts a vigorous recruiting campaign annually in order to staff our schools with a diverse and highly qualified staff.

• The recruitment team targets minority colleges along with other colleges in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina.

• VCS offers contracts “on the spot” to highly qualified individuals who meet the needs of the system.

• To attract applicants to our system, the recruitment team distributes Georgia salary schedules, local supplement information, continuing education information, Transition to Teaching Grant Programs, teacher loan-forgiveness program, benefits package, apartment packets, Valdosta Greeting Service brochures, VCS Facts and Figures, business cards, Valdosta/Lowndes County brochures (Chamber of Commerce), mortgage information/brochures, realtor brochures. Additionally, the team answers any questions applicants have about our system.

• Human Resources maintains a list of candidates expressing interest at job fairs and aggressive efforts are made to follow up with potential applicants via letters/emails. An annual tour is offered to all applicants at all school levels each year. This allows an opportunity to meet our students/faculty and to see the diversity of our school system. It also gives the applicant an idea of what VCS is about.

• Open positions are posted on, Department of Labor, VSU, Val Tech, RESA (Regional Educational Services Agency), Moody job Boards, neighboring schools, and all colleges/universities with which the team attends recruitment fairs.

• Each of our schools is also sent a vacancy announcement to post for all open positions. With vacancy notices being posted at the school level, all staff members are given the opportunity for transfers and promotions.

• VCS is listed in the Career Opportunities for Minority College Graduate Directory each year. VCS follows the court order in reference to maintenance of applications and assignment of faculty and certified staff. See Section IV of order. VCS implemented a panel interview procedure in February 2009 to ensure all applicants are highly qualified and to allow for more diversity.

2. What justification does the Board have for allowing only THIRTY- TWO SEATS when 473 people shows up at meetings? And why has this been allowed for such a long period of time without action?


• Valdosta City Schools has a 5 year facilities plan that includes new facilities for the Central Office. However, there are still some schools that need to be rebuilt and some that need to be remodeled.

• Our priorities will be with the needs of our student population.

• We have open forums twice a year. These forums are always held on school campuses, allow for more seating room, and give an opportunity for community stakeholders to provide feedback and ask questions of our board and superintendent.

• Additionally on February 8, 2010, during the regularly scheduled meeting of the VBOE, the first reading of VBOE policy BCA was presented. (See attached minutes.)

• This policy will allow all work sessions to be moved out of the Superintendent’s Office and into different Valdosta City Schools. This will be done on a rotating basis throughout the school year. During the summer months, the work sessions will remain at the Superintendent’s Office.

• On March 8, 2010, the second reading of the policy was presented and unanimously accepted by the VBOE. (See attached minutes.)

• Beginning in September of 2010, all work sessions will be held on school campuses in an effort to host more community stakeholder input and participation. (See updated policy here.)

3. What answer will the Board give to “Governor Sonny Perdue” for not having open access to Public Meetings to the general public in the State of Georgia?


• All meetings of the Valdosta Board of Education are open to the public.

4. What answer was given to the 473 citizens that asked for Superintendent William Cason to resign-----for denying children to watch the Presidents Speech on life Television? Is this the NEW PRESIDENCE set in stone for all future political figures in the State of Georgia or City?


• In December of 2009, the VBOE completed the superintendent’s annual evaluation. They are the governing body that decides when and on what terms the superintendent’s contract will be based. At the February 8, 2010, board meeting, the board voted unanimously to approve Dr. William O. Cason’s contract for an additional calendar year. (Please see the minutes from the February 8, 2010, board meeting here.)

5. Does Board Members and Superintendent represent all the citizens in Valdosta? If so, then why do Board Superintendent and Chairman appear on just CONSERVATIVE radio stations (ONLY) where our President is called CLOWN and many other derogative names? Does Military Recruiters come onto Valdosta City School Properties to recruit CHILDREN into the United States Armed Forces? Who grants this approval, and does this action also takes away valuable time from EDUCATORS, and violate Georgia Performance Standards?


• The Superintendent and VBOE represent the citizens of the City of Valdosta; in fact the BOE members are elected by citizens of Valdosta in their representative districts.

• The Superintendent and members of the Valdosta Board of Education, as well as members of the faculty and staff of the Valdosta City Schools are regularly invited to a number of different media outlets that include radio to share the news of our great school system.

• In addition to media outlets, including radio, Superintendent Cason has been invited to and has spoken at numerous churches and civic organizations in the Valdosta community. Military recruiters do come into the Valdosta City Schools.

• The students meet with the recruiters during their scheduled lunch periods. Approval for recruiters to come on campus is granted because laws in the No Child Left behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 require high schools that receive federal funds to provide certain student contact information to military recruiters upon request and to allow recruiters to have the same access to students as employers and colleges.

6. Does the chairmen, Superintendent, and Board Members appearance on CONSERVATIVE radio stations (ONLY) show disrespect to members in our Armed Forces stationed at Moody AFB, Iraq, Afghanistan, Retired Military Veterans, and their children attending Valdosta City School System?


• As mentioned in question #5, the superintendent, faculty, staff, and board members of Valdosta City Schools are commonly asked to participate in many media outlets to promote the system.

• As veterans, Superintendent Cason and Board Chair Love highly respect those men and women who fight for our freedoms everyday.

• Our conversations to media outlets do not address military issues; we discuss what is going on in our school system. However, there has been an instance where we invited the family of a fallen Moody Airman to various radio shows and other media outlets to honor the work that their son had done at one of our schools.

• The family of Scott Craven was honored with an outdoor café at Sallas Mahone Elementary named in their son’s memory in May of 2009. More than 15 members of the Craven Family traveled from Pennsylvania to Valdosta for the Memorial Ceremony. Mr. Craven spent countless hours at the elementary school working with children of deployed parents. The mentoring program has since been named in his honor –The Scott Craven Mentoring Program. The program has been expanded to now offer mentors to children with incarcerated parents and children who have experienced the death of a parent. The Cravens host a yearly fundraiser and send all of the proceeds back to the elementary school for use in the mentoring program.

• In addition, we hold quarterly meetings with Moody Air Force Base personnel. The Moody School Board Liaison Committee (MSBLC) meetings rotate between the Valdosta City Schools’ Central Office and the Lowndes County Schools’ Central Office. These meetings are very helpful in discussing pertinent information about upcoming deployments and homecomings that may have an effect on student attendance.

• We have also been invited to become a part of Moody’s newcomers meetings that occur monthly.

• Superintendent Cason has just completed a one year term as an Honorary Commander for Moody Air Force Base as of February 25, 2010. Previously he has also served in this same capacity at Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, South Carolina.

• Our relationship with our hometown heroes is very strong and one in which we are very proud. Disrespect is not intended toward anyone by any member of the Valdosta Board of Education or Superintendent Cason.

7. Why has the Board made it so DIFFICULT for citizens to address the Valdosta City School Board of Education----during monthly meetings?


• Procedure is based on historical files located in the Central Office dating board policy KCA back to July 8, 1996. This is many years prior to the current superintendent’s hiring and Chairman Love’s or previous Chairman Rowe’s respective elections and appointments.

• During the last few months, Superintendent Cason researched other public participation policies from surrounding districts and asked the BOE to consider amending the policy. The policy revisions were presented for a first reading on February 22, 2010. (Please click here for the minutes that discuss further revision.)

• On March 8, 2010, the revised version was presented for a second reading and unanimously approved. (Please click here for the minutes to see the discussion surrounding the second reading.) The new policy can be seen here.

• The new KCA policy went into affect immediately, and at the March 22, 2010, meeting we had a community stakeholder walk up for public participation. (Please click here to see the minutes including our first guest for public participation.)

8. Why did the Board endanger citizens by having doors locked during Board Meetings? Why was this issue NOT immediately addressed once brought before the Board and local news media? Did local news media and or television stations advise the general public that the VCSB was violating Valdosta City Fire Codes?


• The back door of the building is automatically locked at 4:30 p.m. when the Valdosta City Schools Central Office closes.

• The door has a keypad entry so that only employees of Valdosta City Schools can enter and exit through it.

• There are documents that are housed in the back portion of the facility that are confidential in nature and have employee’s identifying information. However, since the issue has been brought to the attention of the Superintendent we unlock the back door during school board meetings in the event that there was an emergency and someone needed to exit quickly.

• The local news media has been in attendance at large board meetings. Questions about why they did not advise the public about possible fire code violations would need to be directed to them.

9. Is it true that our city actually lost business and industrial opportunities due to Valdosta having two school systems? That is one predominately White and the other Black as was published in the Valdosta Daily Times on November 15, 20009. Or was this just used to justify consolidation of the two school systems in the near future?


• This question would need to be answered by members of the Lowndes Valdosta Chamber of Commerce. They have a better knowledge of potential business and industry looking into our area.

• As far as what was reported in the Valdosta Daily Times, again, that would need to be directed to the writer of the particular article in question. For the intent of the article, again, questions would need to be directed to the Valdosta Daily Times and the reporter of the story in question.

10. Why was Monthly Board Meetings not moved when it was obvious that hundreds of citizens would attend (VSCB) Meetings but only thirty-two seats would be available?


According to OCGA 50-14-1, “Whenever any meeting required to be open to the public is to be held at a time or place other than at the time and place prescribed for regular meetings, the agency shall give due notice thereof. ‘Due notice’ shall be the posting of a written notice for at least 24 hours at the place of regular meetings and giving of written or oral notice at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to the legal organ in which notices of sheriff’s sales are published in the county where regular meetings are held.”

11. Has the Georgia State President of the NAACP (Edward Dubois) requests and recommendations presented to the Board ---been answered? If yes, what was the Board answer? If not answered, why not? What was his response to your answer if any? (Decision NOT to allow children to watch the Presidents Live Speech on TV).


• As you will see in the attached minutes from the November 9, 2009, board meeting, Mr. Dubois offered to sit down with board of education members to discuss issues in the Valdosta City Schools. The previous BOE Chair, Ricky Rowe, offered to do that the next morning. Members from the NAACP did attend; however, Mr. Dubois was not in attendance.

• For additional information about whether or not Mr. Dubois is satisfied with the response, you will need to contact him.

12. Is the Board pleased with the lack of disbursement of information from Board Meetings to the general public on hot bed Issues? Does the Board encourage all Local News Media, and Radio Stations to cover meetings to better inform the general public?


• Board meeting dates are published for two consecutive weeks in the Valdosta Daily Times soon after they are adopted by the board of education.

• In addition any time the board has special meetings, such as the Annual Board Retreat, the director of public relations issues a press release to area media outlets.

• Any “hot bed” issues have been covered by local television stations, the area newspaper and many of the areas radio stations. Unfortunately, many of our media outlets work on an 8 – 5 basis so events that occur in the evening are not always given coverage by television and/or radio. Even when provided with current information about happenings in the Valdosta City Schools, the area press has the choice of whether or not they want to publish the information.

13. Why would the Board ALLOW citizens and children attending Board Meetings to be in danger by having hallways blocked, doors locked and has citizens sitting on the floor?


• The Valdosta City Schools superintendent called the Valdosta Police Department on several occasions to request police officers be in attendance at board meetings.

• On those occasions, the requests were granted to ensure the safety of the community stakeholders, board of education members, and staff of Valdosta City Schools in attendance.

• Information on the doors being locked can be referred to in question #8.

14. If a speaker system is available at the Valdosta City Council Meetings, Lowndes County High School Board of Education Meetings, Lowndes County Commissioners Meeting etc, then why cannot VCSB Meetings? Is it that VCSB Meetings are unimportant?


• See question #7.

15. Why was former VCSB Superintendent Walker picture not posted on the wall along with other superintendents that served in our school system----for years?


• Former Superintendent Walker’s photo was not on display very simply because we didn’t have one. When asked for his help in obtaining one, the photo that was sent was very small. When it was enlarged to match the existing photos, it was very pixilated and was not of quality for public viewing.

• We were finally able to work with a photography company to provide a large, quality photo that was added to the wall at the end of 2009.

• Mr. Walker was aware that his photo was not hanging prior to this time. He helped us acquire the current photo that is now on display.

16. How should outsiders view the Valdosta City School System that failed to comply with the Untied States Justice Department Court Order that dates back to 1971? Was the order issued based on race in the Valdosta City School System? If so, what was the primary issue of concern for the Justice Department? And what has the school done to correct the problem?


• Although question #16 doesn’t specifically ask which section of the court order wasn’t being complied with, please refer to the actual documentation of the Court Order from the board meeting by clicking below. The attachment goes into detail about the primary concerns in 1971 from the Justice Department.

• Since Dr. Cason has taken the role of superintendent in 2008, he and his staff have worked diligently towards unitary status with the Department of Justice.

• Valdosta City Schools conducts a vigorous recruiting campaign annually in order to staff our schools with a diverse and highly qualified staff. The recruitment team targets minority colleges along with other colleges in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina.

• VCS offers contracts “on the spot” to highly qualified individuals who meet the needs of the system. To attract applicants to our system, the recruitment team distributes Georgia salary schedules, local supplement information, continuing education information, Transition to Teaching Grant Programs, teacher loan-forgiveness program, benefits package, apartment packets, Valdosta Greeting Service brochures, VCS Facts and Figures, business cards, Valdosta/Lowndes County brochures (Chamber of Commerce), mortgage information/brochures, realtor brochures.

• Additionally, the team answers any questions applicants have about our system.

• Human Resources maintains a list of candidates expressing interest at job fairs and aggressive efforts are made to follow up with potential applicants via letters/emails.

• An annual tour is offered to all applicants at all school levels each year. This allows an opportunity to meet our students/faculty and to see the diversity of our school system.

• It also gives the applicant an idea of what VCS is about. Open positions are posted on, Department of Labor, VSU, Val Tech, RESA (Regional Educational Services Agency), Moody job boards, neighboring schools, and all colleges/universities with which the team attends recruitment fairs.

• Each of our schools is also sent a vacancy announcement to post for all open positions. With vacancy notices being posted at the school level, all staff members are given the opportunity for transfers and promotions.

• VCS is listed in the Career Opportunities for Minority College Graduate Directory each year.

• VCS follows the court order in reference to maintenance of applications and assignment of faculty and certified staff. See Section IV of order.

• VCS implemented a panel interview procedure in February 2009 to ensure all applicants are highly qualified and to allow for more diversity.

17. Why does the Board ignore citizen comments before the Board and their questions go unanswered? Have the (VCSB) 1971, Federal Court Order been complied with and CLOSED after 38 years? If not, Why NOT?


• The superintendent and members of the Valdosta Board of Education make every effort to respond to all citizen inquiries.

• As mentioned previously, Superintendent Cason has an open door policy and has worked with the BOE in adopting amended policies allowing easier access to citizens interested in public participation at our board meetings.

• Twice a year since 1971, Valdosta City Schools submits a report to the Department of Justice outlining positive steps to reach total/full unitary status.

• It is the hope of Valdosta City Schools that we are granted total/full unitary status in October of 2010.

18. Does the Board approve of local news media failure to inform the general public that Valdosta City Fire Codes were not being followed?


• Refer to question #8.

19. Does City School Educators have a right to speak out when decisions are made that are NOT in the best interest of children without being retaliated against by leadership? In short, does educators have a valid input on major issues, and decisions made?


• All schools in the Valdosta City Schools hold regular faculty meetings.

• In addition to those faculty meetings there are grade level/content area meetings, meetings with Instructional Lead Teachers, and teacher liaisons for Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meetings. Also, Superintendent Cason has an open door policy.

• Each year the Valdosta City Schools conducts a comprehensive needs assessment where the current curriculum and many interventions and/or programs are evaluated giving our staff and faculty the chance to provide feedback on what works, what could be improved, and what hasn’t worked for the students that they serve.

• As a system, staff and faculty discuss the findings and how they relate to the individual school improvement plans and the system improvement plan during the annual Data Retreat.

20. Did Board Members blame the Superintendent instead of blaming themselves for NOT allowing children to watch the Presidents live speech on television? Is there any pictures presently displayed in Valdosta City Schools of the 44tth President of the United States or of Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue? Is so, where are these pictures displayed?


• The Superintendent had DVD and VHS copies of the President’s speech made so that teachers could write curriculum around the topics discussed by President Obama.

• Teachers used the video to write lesson plans linking the speech to Georgia Performance Standards.

• To air the speech live would not have been possible in some of the schools so the Superintendent made the DVD’s and VHS tapes available and posted a link to the system website ( so that the speech could be used as a teachable moment.

• In addition, copies of the DVD and VHS tapes were distributed to each school’s Media Center in the event that students or parents wanted to check out a copy for viewing at home.

• The Central Office has ten copies of the DVD available upon request. No one has requested to check out any copies from the Central Office.

• Teachers have posters of many of the Presidents of the United States displayed throughout the school system in individual classrooms.

• Though it is not a requirement, teachers are allowed to post pictures of public officials (to include governors and Presidents of the United States) as they wish.

21. Does discussions on Valdosta City School Board Issues Board start at the Country Club; prior to coming to Work Sessions and Board Meetings? If so, are all Board Members present during these COUNTRY CLUB DISCUSSIONS? Moreover does the VCSB approve of such meetings in the State of Georgia? Is this practice legal in the State of Georgia?


• Superintendent Cason, previous school board chair Ricky Rowe, nor current chair Bill Love are members of the Valdosta Country Club.

• On board meeting days Superintendent Cason can be found at his office (1204 Williams Street) preparing for the evening’s meeting. All board meetings are held on the published dates at the published locations.

22. The local media and radio published that Superintendent Cason said that; President Obama Speech was a waste of instructional time of EDUCATORS, and violated Georgia Performance Standards. THEN WHY WERE EDUCATORS ALOWED TO WASTE INSTRUCTIONAL TIME ON THE FOLLOWING IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA?

a. Teachers sat for 2 hours in the gym last year looking at a play put together by Valdosta State University Drama Department.
b. Teachers have lost time for fund raiser drive, and for students to go to the office to get drinks if they sell one item.

c. Teachers lose instructional time for the Valdosta High School Band to come and do a concert.

d. Teachers lose instructional time for the Boy Scouts, to recruit boys.
e. Teachers lose instructional time for the Book fairs.
f. Teachers lose valuable time for pep rallies, school pictures, sleep testing (S.T.E.E.P. testing), and guided reading for lower grades implementation program, and there are countless other times teachers lose instructional time.


• Superintendent Cason never said the speech was a waste of instructional time.

• He has said on a number of occasions that he a proponent for maximizing every instructional minute provided during the school day.

• Nor did he say it violated Georgia Performance Standards.

• He said the provided lesson plans were not aligned with Georgia Performance Standards.

• He wanted to give the faculty and staff an opportunity to view the speech in an effort to create lesson plans that were aligned with Georgia Performance Standards.

23. Does the VCSB denial of Valdosta City School Children to watch the president’ s live speech on television give the impressions; that the Board is following the Old 1860 Valdosta City Charter Mentality. That was RELUCTANTLY removed from the second floor of Valdosta City Hall in early 2004 at the request of a Retired Military Veteran. It read, in Article 100, Section XI: “THAT THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSES, OR OTHER STOCK STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES?”


• NO

24. Did the Board inform the Valdosta Fire Department that the Board was violating the “Valdosta City Fire Code 7-2.1.5?”


• Refer to questions #8 and #18.

25. Why did the Board NOT evaluate Superintendent Cason’s performance as required by the Georgia School Board Association? Why did it take citizens asking questions before the Board before the evaluation was done? (Item was brought before local Civil Rights Organizations by citizens aware of this discrepancy)

• The Valdosta Board of Education has a date and a timeline by which the Superintendent’s evaluation is scheduled. According to the current board chairman, the timeline was followed as prescribed, Please refer to question #4.

26. Why did the VCSB take 38 years to comply with the 1971 Court Order? Is Valdosta above the law? Is VCSB NOW trying to comply with the Court Order for the purpose of consolidating the two school systems? Are there any Valdosta City Schools (NOW) classified as segregated by race as defined under the Civil Rights Laws?


• Valdosta City Schools is and has been an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Court Order can be referred to by clicking here.

• It should be dually noted that according to the April 2, 2008, DOJ Draft document, “It is therefore ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the Board of Education of Valdosta City has achieved partial unitary status in the areas of student assignment, transportation, extracurricular activities, and facilities.

• No further need remains for the court to retain jurisdiction over these four areas of the District’s activities.” Please refer to answers in questions #1 and #16 for information regarding the corrective actions being taken for the area of faculty and staff.

• For the question about consolidations of the two schools systems, we are currently not planning for or in preparation of school consolidation.

27. Why is the VCSB front office called the “The Little White House” by many City School Educators and parents?


• Many of the current staff members of the Central Office were hired by retired Superintendent Allen who is African American as you will recognize in question #32.

• Valdosta City Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer that hires based on the qualifications of applicants. It is highly unfortunate that job performance is being evaluated by “school educators and parents” based on ethnicity.

28. What positive vibes can Black Educators, White Educators, administrators, and principals get from the following statistical data below; as an incentive to relocate here in Valdosta City School System? Regardless of the reasons; should the 1971 Justice Department Court Order be extended to “EQUAL EMPLOYMENT” based on the low employment (NUMBERS) of Black African American Educators in a school system that is 80 percent Black?


• Please refer to questions #1 and #16 about our rigorous recruitment program.

• We certainly hope that everyone can feel the excitement and pride exhibited by those employed by the Valdosta City Schools. We all have one common goal – to educate the children who represent the future of our community.

• The Department of Justice has commented that we have a higher number of African American teachers than most Georgia school systems.

29. What is being done to correct the disparity of City Schools named in honor of Whites----to the exclusion of Blacks, Latino’s, Asians, etc? Moreover how many schools are PRESENTLY named in honor of WHITES vs. BLACKS and other ethnic groups? How would (EACH) Board Members feel if all Valdosta City Schools were named in honor of Lation’s and excluded all others?


• Sallas Mahone Elementary was built in 1950,

• Pinevale High School in 1956, which later became Lomax-Pinevale Elementary,

• SL Mason Elementary (on Azalea Drive) in 1963,

• WG Nunn Elementary (on Forrest Street) in 1966,

• Southeast Elementary in 1967,

• Newbern Middle School in 1994 and JL Lomax Elementary in 2005.

• Since the alternative school would stay at the old Lomax-Pinevale location, the names were split, JL Lomax’s name went with the elementary students to their new school and the alternative school became the Pinevale Learning Center.

• When West Gordon school was torn down and the old SL Mason facility on Azalea Drive was vacated, the SL Mason Elementary School name went to the new facility on West Gordon. West Gordon Elementary was simply named for a geographical location.

• Since SL Mason was named for a person, the name went to the new facility. Board policy FDC addresses the naming of facilities.

• We have no new facilities in the 5 year plan, only a rebuild of Southeast Elementary School.

• In answer to your question, Sallas Mahone, WG Nunn, SL Mason, and JL Newbern are all named honoring Caucasian men or women;

• JL Lomax is named after an African American.

• West Gordon, Southeast, Valdosta Middle, and Valdosta High are all simply geographical.

• The reasoning on the name of Pinevale High School is not listed in our historical documents.

• Valdosta Early College Academy is named so because it is a part of Valdosta City Schools and Valdosta State University.

30. Has the following statistics tarnished the atmosphere in the Valdosta City School System? Is the United States Justice Department needed to come into Valdosta City School System and investigate the fairness in Valdosta Hiring Practices of minority in filling these positions? Moreover are the following STATISTICS accurate in 2010?


• As of April 15, 2010 Valdosta City Schools’ diversity was as follows: African American-76.84%,

• Caucasian-17.82%, Other-5.34%.

• The atmosphere in Valdosta City Schools is one of pride.

• We are proud of who we are and what we represent.

• Our mission in Valdosta City Schools is quality teaching and learning, resulting in superior performance for all.

• Our vision is to prepare students to pursue infinite possibilities for the future.

• We have grown academically and will continue to prosper under the guidance and support of the Valdosta Board of Education. Additionally we are following the Equal Opportunity Employment Policy – VBOE Policy GAAA. Refer to answers given to questions #1 and #16 for additional information that has been previously addressed.

31. Is it possible for Colleges, and Universities Students and Educators both Black and White to take the following as a negative in the 21 Century about our school system?



32. Should the Board seek the help of the United States Justice Department to show more diversity in hiring; so educators will feel that they are a part of the system? (Twenty-three (23). positions of authority, perceived and real, is occupied by whites, in a school district that is approximately 80 percent black. STATISTICS SAYS EVERYTHING: This is as of the first 10 days of School September 10, 2009)


a. The City School Superintendent is WHITE. William Cason---------School Board decision
b. The Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning is WHITE.------- Hired by Dr. Cason
c. The Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations is WHITE. ------Hired by Superintendent Altman,
Promoted by Dr. Cason

d. The Curriculum Director for grades Pre-K-5 is WHITE.--------------------- Hired by Dr. Cason
e. The Curriculum Director for grades 6-12 is WHITE. -------------------------Hired by Sam Allen
f. The Director of Special Education is WHITE. ---------------------------------Hired by Sam Allen
g. The Head of Human Resources is WHITE -The Director of Personnel is WHITE. (Same person)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hired by Sam Allen

h. The Administrative Secretary is WHITE.-------------------------------------- Hired by Sam Allen
i. The Director of Title 1 is WHITE. -----------------------------------------------Hired by Superintendent Altman, promoted by Dr. Cason
j. The Director of Title 11-The Director of Title 111 is WHITE. --------------Same Person - Hired by Superintendent
Altman, promoted by Sam Allen

k. The Director of Instructional Technology is WHITE. -----------------------Hired by Sam Allen
l. The Director of Nutrition is WHITE.------------------------------------------ Hired by Sam Allen
m. The Director of School Social Services is WHITE.------------------------ Hired by Sam Allen
n. The Director of student Information is WHITE.----------------------------- Hired by Sam Allen
o. The principal of the Valdosta High school, a school that is overwhelmingly BLACK, is WHITE.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hired by Dr. Cason

p. The head football coach is WHITE.-------------------------------------------Hired by Dr. Cason
q. The names of all schools that bear somebody’s name except one is WHITE.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Previously addressed in question #29

r. The receptionist is WHITE.---------------------------------------------------- Hired by Dr. Cason
s. The ultimate authority that our children face, the Juvenile judge, is WHITE.
----------------------------We did not hire nor have input in the selection of the Juvenile judge.
t. Five out of 9 school board members are WHITE. Even though 80 percent of the students are Black. (The
question is raised to the casual observer that the district lines have been gerrymandered to insure that whites would always control the education of black children).--------The Board of Elections drew the electoral maps.

u. With every position of authority, perceived and real, is occupied by Whites, in a school district that is
approximately 80 percent Black.------------------------- This is a statement therefore an answer can’t be supplied.
**Under Dr. Cason’s leadership 8 African Americans (6 women, 2 men) and 1 Hispanic male have been promoted to leadership positions. **

33. How does Black Board Members feel about the statistics (below) that represent their Majority Black Districts? How does White Board Members feel about the statistics (below) that represents their Majority White Districts? Is it possible that many children living within the city school districts---are actually attending Lowndes County High School?


• We are honored and privileged to serve each and every student in Valdosta City Schools. It is the obligation of our faculty, staff, and board to offer a quality education to all students that attend any of our schools. Lowndes County Board of Education will have to answer your question regarding out of district students at Lowndes High School.


1. J.L. Lomax Elementary,
(Black- 617, White 11, Other 29, G. Tot. 657)

(Black-608, White-13, Other- 32 = Total 653)

2. Salas-Mahone Elementary
(Black 443, White 390, Other 119, G. Tot. 952)

(Black-473, White-371, Other- 121 = Total 965)

3. S.L. Mason Elementary School
(Black--629, White--189, Other--42, G. Tot.--860)

(Black-662, White-204, Other-44 = Total 910)

4. W.G. Nunn Elementary School
(Black--976, White--50, Other--52, G. Tot.—1078
(Black-992, White-57, Other- 47 = Total 1,096)

5. Southeast Elementary School
(Black--285, White--8, Other--6, G. Tot.--299)

(Black-296, White-7, Other-9 = Total 312)

(Black--56, White--5, Other--4, G. Tot.--65)

7. Newbern Middle Elementary (Black—482, White--9, Other--13, G/ Tot.--504)
(Black-519, White-19, Other-6 = Total 544)

8. Valdosta Middle School (Black—620, White—251, Other—42, G. Tot.--913)

(Black-613, White-268, Other-49 = Total 930)

9. Valdosta High (Black-1,232, White--358, Other--71, G. Tot. -- 1,661)

(Black-1,227, White-371, Other-82 = Total 1,680)

10. PLC (Black—211, White--7, Other--5, G. Tot.--223)

UPDATED AS OF 4/15/10 (Black-293, White-8, Other-5 = Total 306)

Grand Total: Black: 5, 551 Whites: 1, 278 Other: 383 G. Total: 7,212
UPDATED AS OF 4/15/10 (Black-5,683, White-1,318, Other-395 = Total 7,396)

34. I appreciate everything the Board has done in regards to educating our children and providing the very best learning environment possible. I also understand that it is not all about race; but the high crime rate in our community can be (directly) traced back to the unemployment rate of many parents in the underprivileged areas of our community. For instance if the “Little White House” had more qualified Black and Majority Administrators. Then Valdosta could very well see a reduction in the crime rate and this rate could be decreased if local governments would hire more Blacks and Minorities as Department Heads.


• Not a question therefore it cannot be answered.

35. Lastly, most citizens of average intelligence understand that equal employment, diversity, and inclusion are attributes that contributes to reducing crime among our youths while fostering a better working environment for all Valdosta City School Educators. I wait your response in writing and had previous questions been answered earlier----this list would have been much shorter. Thanks!

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Cc: Local News Media
Members of the General Public (Hand Outs)
Radio Stations, Churches
Civil Rights Organizations [SCLC, NAACP, NAN, ICU, FCU, BPC]
Other Pertinent Concerns

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

[Valdosta City School Board of Education, and un-answered questions from community] "Resubmitted and Consolidated"

April 12, 2010

Address by: George Boston Rhynes to Valdosta City School Board of Education at Southeast Elementary School at 7:00 pm, on April 12, 2010. (Board never answered questions from the community)

TO: Mr. Bill Love, Chairman, Supt. William Cason, Mr. Warren Lee, Vice Chairman, Mrs. Jeana Beeland, Ms. Debra Bell, Ms. Annie Fisher, Mrs. Vanassa Flucas, Mr. Dean Rexroth, Mr. Trey Sherwood, Mrs. Kelly Wilson

This information is being sent at the request of Chairman Love, Superintendent Cason, and several of the New Board Members wishing to get a chance to deal with these old questions brought before the Board; but did not generate a response in writing as requested. Therefore I am providing this consolidated list to meet that need. I can be reached at: 229-251-8645, e-mail, or write to the above address.


1. What has the Valdosta City School Board of Education and Superintendent done to hire more QUALIFIED Black African American Educators?

2. What justification does the Board have for allowing only THIRTY- TWO SEATS when 473 people shows up at meetings? And why has this been allowed for such a long period of time without action?

3. What answer will the Board give to “Governor Sonny Perdue” for not having open access to Public Meetings to the general public in the State of Georgia?

4. What answer was given to the 473 citizens that asked for Superintendent William Cason to resign-----for denying children to watch the Presidents Speech on life Television? Is this the NEW PRESIDENCE set in stone for all future political figures in the State of Georgia or City?

5. Does Board Members and Superintendent represent all the citizens in Valdosta? If so, then why do Board Superintendent and Chairman appear on just CONSERVATIVE radio stations (ONLY) where our President is called CLOWN and many other derogative names? Does Military Recruiters come onto Valdosta City School Properties to recruit CHILDREN into the United States Armed Forces? Who grants this approval, and does this action also takes away valuable time from EDUCATORS, and violate Georgia Performance Standards?

6. Is their appearance on CONSERVATIVE radio stations (ONLY) show disrespect to members in our Armed Forces stationed at Moody AFB, Iraq, Afghanistan, and their children attending Valdosta City School System?

7. Why has the Board made it so DIFFICULT for citizens to address the Valdosta City School Board of Education----during monthly meetings?

8. Why was citizens placed in danger by having doors locked during Board Meetings? Why was this issue ignored by the Board that was in direct violation of City Fire Codes?

9. Is it true that our city actually lost business and industrial opportunities due to Valdosta having two school systems? That is one predominately White and the other Black as was published in the Valdosta Daily Times on November 15, 20009. Or was this just used to justify consolidation of the two school systems in the near future?

10. Why was Monthly Board Meetings not moved when it was obvious that hundreds of citizens would attend (VSCB) Meetings but only thirty-two seats would be available?

11. Has the Georgia State President of the NAACP (Edward Dubois) requests and recommendations presented to the Board ---been answered? If yes, what was the Board answer? If not answered, why not? What was his response to your answer if any? (Decision NOT to allow children to watch the Presidents Live Speech on TV).

12. Is the Board pleased with the lack of disbursement of information from Board Meetings to the general public on hot bed Issues? Does the Board encourage all Local News Media, and Radio Stations to cover meetings to better inform the general public?

13. Why would the Board ALLOW citizens and children attending Board Meetings to be in danger by having hallways blocked, doors locked and has citizens sitting on the floor?

14. If a speaker system is available at the Valdosta City Council Meetings, Lowndes County High School Board of Education Meetings, Lowndes County Commissioners Meeting etc, then why cannot VCSB Meetings? Is it that VCSB Meetings are unimportant?

15. Why was former VCSB Superintendent Walker picture not posted on the wall along with other superintendents that served in our school system----for years?

16. How should outsiders view the Valdosta City School System that failed to comply with the Untied States Justice Department Court Order that dates back to 1971? Was the order issued based on race in the Valdosta City School System? If so, what was the primary issue of concern for the Justice Department? And what has the school done to correct the problem?

17. Why does the Board ignore citizen comments before the Board and their questions go unanswered? Have the (VCSB) 1971, Federal Court Order been complied with and CLOSED after 38 years? If not, Why NOT?

18. Does the Board approve of local news media failure to inform the general public that Valdosta City Fire Codes were not being followed?

19. Does City School Educators have a right to speak out when decisions are made that are NOT in the best interest of children without being retaliated against by leadership? In short, does educators have a valid input on major issues, and decisions made?

20. Did Board Members blame the Superintendent instead of blaming themselves for NOT allowing children to watch the Presidents live speech on television? Is there any pictures presently displayed in Valdosta City Schools of the 44th President of the United States or of Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue? Is so, where are these pictures displayed?

21. Does discussions on Board Issues start at the Country Club prior to coming to Work Sessions and Board Meetings? If so, are all Board Members present during these COUNTRY CLUB DISCUSSIONS? Moreover does the VCSB approve of such meetings in the State of Georgia?

22. The local media and radio published that Superintendent Cason said that; President Obama Speech was a waste of instructional time of EDUCATORS, and violated Georgia Performance Standards. THEN WHY WERE EDUCATORS ALOWED TO WASTE INSTRUCTIONAL TIME ON THE FOLLOWING IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA?

a. Teachers sat for 2 hours in the gym last year looking at a play put together by Valdosta State University Drama Department.

b. Teachers have lost time for fund raiser drive, and for students to go to the office to get drinks if they sell one item.

c. Teachers lose instructional time for the Valdosta High School Band to come and do a concert.

d. Teachers lose instructional time for the Boy Scouts, to recruit boys.

e. Teachers lose instructional time for the Book fairs.

f. Teachers lose valuable time for pep rallies, school pictures, sleep testing, and guided reading for lower grades implementation program, and there are countless other times teachers lose instructional time.

23. Was the “BOARD” following the Old 1860 Valdosta City Charter mentality when VCSB denied city school children to watch President Obama Live Speech on television? This 1860 Charter was RELUCTANTLY removed from the second floor of Valdosta City Hall in early 2004 at the request of a retired military veteran. It read, in Article 100, Section XI: “THAT THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSES, OR OTHER STOCK STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES?”

24. Did the Board informed the Valdosta Fire Department that they were not in compliance with “City Fire Code 7-2.1.5?”

25. Why did the Board NOT evaluate Superintendent Cason’s performance as required by the Georgia School Board Association? Why did it take citizens asking questions before the Board before the evaluation was done? (Item was brought before local Civil Rights Organizations by citizens aware of this discrepancy)

26. Why did the VCSB take 38 years to comply with the 1971 Court Order? Is Valdosta above the law; and is NOW only trying to comply with the Court Order by consolidating the two school systems? Have some Valdosta City Schools been segregated by race since the passing of the Civil Rights Bill in the late 1960s?

27. Why is the VCSB Front Office called the “The Little White House by many City School Educators?

28. What positive vibes can Black Educators, White Educators, administrators, and principals get from the following statistical data below; as an incentive to relocate here in Valdosta City Schools System? Regardless of the reasons; should the 1971 Justice Department Court Order be extended to “EQUAL EMPLOYMENT” based on the poor or low employment of Black African American Educators in a school system that is 80 percent Black?

29. What is being done to correct the disparity of City Schools named in honor of Whites----to the exclusion of Blacks, Latino’s, Asians, etc? Moreover how many schools are PRESENTLY named in honor of WHITES vs. BLACKS and other ethnic groups? How would (EACH) Board Members feel if all Valdosta City Schools were named in honor of Lation’s and excluded all others?

30. Has the following statistics tarnished the atmosphere in the Valdosta City School System? Is the United States Justice Department needed to come in and investigate the fairness in Valdosta Hiring Practices in filling these positions? Moreover are these STATISTICS accurate in 2010?


31. Is it possible for Colleges, and Universities Students and Educators both Black and White to take the following as a negative in the 21 Century about our school system?

32. Should the Board seek the help of the United States Justice Department to show more diversity in hiring; so educators will feel that they are a part of the system? (Twenty-three (23). positions of authority, perceived and real, is occupied by whites, in a school district that is approximately 80 percent black. STATISTICS SAYS EVERYTHING: This is as of the first 10 days of School September 10, 2009)

a. The City School Superintendent is WHITE. William Cason
b. The Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning is WHITE.
c. The Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations is WHITE.
d. The Curriculum Director for grades Pre-K-5 is WHITE.
e. The Curriculum Director for grades 6-12 is WHITE.
f. The Director of Special Education is WHITE.
g. The Head of Human Resources is WHITE.
h. The Administrative Secretary is WHITE.
i. The Director of Title 1 is WHITE.
j. The Director of Title 11 is WHITE.
k. The Director of Title 111 is WHITE.
l. The Director of Instructional Technology is WHITE...
m. The Director of Nutrition is WHITE.
n. The Director of Personnel is WHITE.
o. The Director of School Social Services is WHITE.
p. The Director of student Information is WHITE.
q. The principal of the Valdosta High school, a school that is overwhelmingly BLACK, is WHITE.
r. The head football coach is WHITE.
s. The names of all schools that bear somebody’s name except one is WHITE.
t. The receptionist is WHITE.
u. The ultimate authority that our children face, the Juvenile judge, is WHITE.
v. Five out of 9 school board members are WHITE. Even though 80 percent of the students are Black. (The question is raised to the casual observer that the district lines have been gerrymandered to insure that whites would always control the education of black children).
w. With every position of authority, perceived and real, is occupied by Whites, in a school district that is approximately 80 percent Black.

33. How does Black Board Members feel about the statistics (below) that represent their Majority Black Districts? How does White Board Members feel about the statistics (below) that represents their Majority White Districts? How does the Total Board see the statistics as they relate to a School System that is 80 percent Black?


1. J.L. Lomax Elementary
(Black- 617, White 11, Other 29, G. Tot. 657)
2. Salas-Mahone Elementary
(Black 443, White 390, Other 119, G. Tot. 952)

3. S.L. Mason Elementary School
(Black--629, White--189, Other--42, G. Tot.--860)

4. W.G. Nunn Elementary School
(Black--976, White--50, Other--52, G. Tot.--1078

5. Southeast Elementary School
(Black--285, White--8, Other--6, G. Tot.--299)

(Black--56, White--5, Other--4, G. Tot.--65)

7. Newbern Middle Elementary
(Black—482, White--9, Other--13, G/ Tot.--504)

8. Valdosta Middle School
(Black—620, White—251, Other—42, G. Tot.--913)

9. Valdosta High
(Black-1,232, White--358, Other--71, G. Tot. -- 1,661)

10. PLC
(Black—211, White--7, Other--5, G. Tot.--223)

Grand Total: Black: 5, 551 Whites: 1, 278 Other: 383 G. Total: 7,212

34. I appreciate everything the Board has done in regards to educating our children and providing the very best learning environment possible. I also understand that it is not all about race but the high crime rate in our community can be traced back to the unemployment rate of many parents in the underprivileged areas of our community. (I believe that those White Valdosta City School Employees and the majority White Administrators employed (Little White House) in disproportionate numbers than Blacks and other ethnic groups could be a contributing factor to the high crime rate in certain communities).

35. In addition, most people of average intelligence should understand that equal employment, diversity, and inclusion are attributes that contributes to reducing crime among our youths while fostering a better working environment for those educating our children in Valdosta City School System. I wait your response in writing and had previous questions been answered sooner----this list would have been much shorter. Thanks!

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Cc: Local News Media
Members of the General Public (Hand Outs)
Radio Stations, Churches
Civil Rights Organizations [SCLC, NAACP, NAN, ICU, FCU, BPC]