Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Letter to Editor: I agree with the SCLC, that Supt. Bill Cason should resign....

September 15, 2009

TO: Local Newspaper Letter to the Editor and beyond

I attended the Valdosta Board of Education Meeting with 473 other concerned parents on September 14, 2009 and I too am asking for Superintendent Bill Cason to resign, along with all board members that have forgotten the people that elected them to office. By denying the Executive Commander-In-Chief of our soldiers, sailors, marines, navy and airmen serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and in other war torn areas to address the children of members of our armed forces is cause for resignation.

In addition this denial of any child is a slap in the face but more so to our active duty and retired military veterans including the airmen stationed at Moody Air Force Base Georgia and their children. Dr. Cason cannot justify his decision by saying it was done so teachers would not lose valuable time, and that he was concerned about complying with Georgia State Performance Standards among other reasons.

Just last year our teachers sat for two hours in the gym looking at a play put together by Valdosta State University Drama Department. Our teachers lose time in fund raiser drive, Valdosta High School Band to come, and do a concert, boy scouts to recruit boys, book fair, pep rallies, school pictures, steep testing, and guided reading for lower grades implementation programs.

Our City Board of Education Members have allowed our Superintendent to set a disgraceful and dangerous precedence that could very well end up in the courts if others wish to speak to our children in Valdosta City School System.

Both principals and teachers can remember countless times when teachers lose valuable instructional time. But those who put their lives on the line for their Executive Commander-In-chief and then have their sons and daughters denied the right to watch their president twenty-one minute speech cannot be justified by any person of average intelligence.

Even during slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, during the lynching crusades in the south, or during the ugly and disgraceful civil rights movement of the 60s. Blacks did not; disrespect the office of the President of the other 43 White Male Presidents at home or abroad as some are doing to president Obama.

History records that Black African Americans never stooped so low as to condemn, criticize, question other presidents citizenship, called a lie before the world on the flow of congress, make fun of their wives, children, accused them of not being qualified to be president, placed swastikas on White presidents faces, even though many of them along with mayors, and governors did more to disrespect and harm Blacks than President Barack Obama will every do.
A fight for your soul

Therefore a great lesson can be learned from this peaceful road that leads to the mountaintop of our creative greatness as a nation and example to other nations of the earth. God bless all children of the world.

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

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