April 12, 2010
Address by: George Boston Rhynes to Valdosta City School Board of Education at Southeast Elementary School at 7:00 pm, on April 12, 2010. (Board never answered questions from the community)
TO: Mr. Bill Love, Chairman, Supt. William Cason, Mr. Warren Lee, Vice Chairman, Mrs. Jeana Beeland, Ms. Debra Bell, Ms. Annie Fisher, Mrs. Vanassa Flucas, Mr. Dean Rexroth, Mr. Trey Sherwood, Mrs. Kelly Wilson
This information is being sent at the request of Chairman Love, Superintendent Cason, and several of the New Board Members wishing to get a chance to deal with these old questions brought before the Board; but did not generate a response in writing as requested. Therefore I am providing this consolidated list to meet that need. I can be reached at: 229-251-8645, e-mail bostongbr@gmail.com, or write to the above address.
1. What has the Valdosta City School Board of Education and Superintendent done to hire more QUALIFIED Black African American Educators?
2. What justification does the Board have for allowing only THIRTY- TWO SEATS when 473 people shows up at meetings? And why has this been allowed for such a long period of time without action?
3. What answer will the Board give to “Governor Sonny Perdue” for not having open access to Public Meetings to the general public in the State of Georgia?
4. What answer was given to the 473 citizens that asked for Superintendent William Cason to resign-----for denying children to watch the Presidents Speech on life Television? Is this the NEW PRESIDENCE set in stone for all future political figures in the State of Georgia or City?
5. Does Board Members and Superintendent represent all the citizens in Valdosta? If so, then why do Board Superintendent and Chairman appear on just CONSERVATIVE radio stations (ONLY) where our President is called CLOWN and many other derogative names? Does Military Recruiters come onto Valdosta City School Properties to recruit CHILDREN into the United States Armed Forces? Who grants this approval, and does this action also takes away valuable time from EDUCATORS, and violate Georgia Performance Standards?
6. Is their appearance on CONSERVATIVE radio stations (ONLY) show disrespect to members in our Armed Forces stationed at Moody AFB, Iraq, Afghanistan, and their children attending Valdosta City School System?
7. Why has the Board made it so DIFFICULT for citizens to address the Valdosta City School Board of Education----during monthly meetings?
8. Why was citizens placed in danger by having doors locked during Board Meetings? Why was this issue ignored by the Board that was in direct violation of City Fire Codes?
9. Is it true that our city actually lost business and industrial opportunities due to Valdosta having two school systems? That is one predominately White and the other Black as was published in the Valdosta Daily Times on November 15, 20009. Or was this just used to justify consolidation of the two school systems in the near future?
10. Why was Monthly Board Meetings not moved when it was obvious that hundreds of citizens would attend (VSCB) Meetings but only thirty-two seats would be available?
11. Has the Georgia State President of the NAACP (Edward Dubois) requests and recommendations presented to the Board ---been answered? If yes, what was the Board answer? If not answered, why not? What was his response to your answer if any? (Decision NOT to allow children to watch the Presidents Live Speech on TV).
12. Is the Board pleased with the lack of disbursement of information from Board Meetings to the general public on hot bed Issues? Does the Board encourage all Local News Media, and Radio Stations to cover meetings to better inform the general public?
13. Why would the Board ALLOW citizens and children attending Board Meetings to be in danger by having hallways blocked, doors locked and has citizens sitting on the floor?
14. If a speaker system is available at the Valdosta City Council Meetings, Lowndes County High School Board of Education Meetings, Lowndes County Commissioners Meeting etc, then why cannot VCSB Meetings? Is it that VCSB Meetings are unimportant?
15. Why was former VCSB Superintendent Walker picture not posted on the wall along with other superintendents that served in our school system----for years?
16. How should outsiders view the Valdosta City School System that failed to comply with the Untied States Justice Department Court Order that dates back to 1971? Was the order issued based on race in the Valdosta City School System? If so, what was the primary issue of concern for the Justice Department? And what has the school done to correct the problem?
17. Why does the Board ignore citizen comments before the Board and their questions go unanswered? Have the (VCSB) 1971, Federal Court Order been complied with and CLOSED after 38 years? If not, Why NOT?
18. Does the Board approve of local news media failure to inform the general public that Valdosta City Fire Codes were not being followed?
19. Does City School Educators have a right to speak out when decisions are made that are NOT in the best interest of children without being retaliated against by leadership? In short, does educators have a valid input on major issues, and decisions made?
20. Did Board Members blame the Superintendent instead of blaming themselves for NOT allowing children to watch the Presidents live speech on television? Is there any pictures presently displayed in Valdosta City Schools of the 44th President of the United States or of Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue? Is so, where are these pictures displayed?
21. Does discussions on Board Issues start at the Country Club prior to coming to Work Sessions and Board Meetings? If so, are all Board Members present during these COUNTRY CLUB DISCUSSIONS? Moreover does the VCSB approve of such meetings in the State of Georgia?
22. The local media and radio published that Superintendent Cason said that; President Obama Speech was a waste of instructional time of EDUCATORS, and violated Georgia Performance Standards. THEN WHY WERE EDUCATORS ALOWED TO WASTE INSTRUCTIONAL TIME ON THE FOLLOWING IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA?
a. Teachers sat for 2 hours in the gym last year looking at a play put together by Valdosta State University Drama Department.
b. Teachers have lost time for fund raiser drive, and for students to go to the office to get drinks if they sell one item.
c. Teachers lose instructional time for the Valdosta High School Band to come and do a concert.
d. Teachers lose instructional time for the Boy Scouts, to recruit boys.
e. Teachers lose instructional time for the Book fairs.
f. Teachers lose valuable time for pep rallies, school pictures, sleep testing, and guided reading for lower grades implementation program, and there are countless other times teachers lose instructional time.
23. Was the “BOARD” following the Old 1860 Valdosta City Charter mentality when VCSB denied city school children to watch President Obama Live Speech on television? This 1860 Charter was RELUCTANTLY removed from the second floor of Valdosta City Hall in early 2004 at the request of a retired military veteran. It read, in Article 100, Section XI: “THAT THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL SHALL PASS ALL PROPER AND NECESSARY LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE CONTROL OF SLAVES AND FREE PERSONS OF COLOR IN SAID TOWN AND SUPPRESS AND ABATE ALL NUISANCES ARRIVING FROM HOGS, DOGS, HORSES, OR OTHER STOCK STRAYING AT LARGE IN SAID TOWN, OR FROM OTHER CAUSES?”
24. Did the Board informed the Valdosta Fire Department that they were not in compliance with “City Fire Code 7-2.1.5?”
25. Why did the Board NOT evaluate Superintendent Cason’s performance as required by the Georgia School Board Association? Why did it take citizens asking questions before the Board before the evaluation was done? (Item was brought before local Civil Rights Organizations by citizens aware of this discrepancy)
26. Why did the VCSB take 38 years to comply with the 1971 Court Order? Is Valdosta above the law; and is NOW only trying to comply with the Court Order by consolidating the two school systems? Have some Valdosta City Schools been segregated by race since the passing of the Civil Rights Bill in the late 1960s?
27. Why is the VCSB Front Office called the “The Little White House by many City School Educators?
28. What positive vibes can Black Educators, White Educators, administrators, and principals get from the following statistical data below; as an incentive to relocate here in Valdosta City Schools System? Regardless of the reasons; should the 1971 Justice Department Court Order be extended to “EQUAL EMPLOYMENT” based on the poor or low employment of Black African American Educators in a school system that is 80 percent Black?
29. What is being done to correct the disparity of City Schools named in honor of Whites----to the exclusion of Blacks, Latino’s, Asians, etc? Moreover how many schools are PRESENTLY named in honor of WHITES vs. BLACKS and other ethnic groups? How would (EACH) Board Members feel if all Valdosta City Schools were named in honor of Lation’s and excluded all others?
30. Has the following statistics tarnished the atmosphere in the Valdosta City School System? Is the United States Justice Department needed to come in and investigate the fairness in Valdosta Hiring Practices in filling these positions? Moreover are these STATISTICS accurate in 2010?
31. Is it possible for Colleges, and Universities Students and Educators both Black and White to take the following as a negative in the 21 Century about our school system?
32. Should the Board seek the help of the United States Justice Department to show more diversity in hiring; so educators will feel that they are a part of the system? (Twenty-three (23). positions of authority, perceived and real, is occupied by whites, in a school district that is approximately 80 percent black. STATISTICS SAYS EVERYTHING: This is as of the first 10 days of School September 10, 2009)
a. The City School Superintendent is WHITE. William Cason
b. The Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning is WHITE.
c. The Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations is WHITE.
d. The Curriculum Director for grades Pre-K-5 is WHITE.
e. The Curriculum Director for grades 6-12 is WHITE.
f. The Director of Special Education is WHITE.
g. The Head of Human Resources is WHITE.
h. The Administrative Secretary is WHITE.
i. The Director of Title 1 is WHITE.
j. The Director of Title 11 is WHITE.
k. The Director of Title 111 is WHITE.
l. The Director of Instructional Technology is WHITE...
m. The Director of Nutrition is WHITE.
n. The Director of Personnel is WHITE.
o. The Director of School Social Services is WHITE.
p. The Director of student Information is WHITE.
q. The principal of the Valdosta High school, a school that is overwhelmingly BLACK, is WHITE.
r. The head football coach is WHITE.
s. The names of all schools that bear somebody’s name except one is WHITE.
t. The receptionist is WHITE.
u. The ultimate authority that our children face, the Juvenile judge, is WHITE.
v. Five out of 9 school board members are WHITE. Even though 80 percent of the students are Black. (The question is raised to the casual observer that the district lines have been gerrymandered to insure that whites would always control the education of black children).
w. With every position of authority, perceived and real, is occupied by Whites, in a school district that is approximately 80 percent Black.
33. How does Black Board Members feel about the statistics (below) that represent their Majority Black Districts? How does White Board Members feel about the statistics (below) that represents their Majority White Districts? How does the Total Board see the statistics as they relate to a School System that is 80 percent Black?
1. J.L. Lomax Elementary
(Black- 617, White 11, Other 29, G. Tot. 657)
2. Salas-Mahone Elementary
(Black 443, White 390, Other 119, G. Tot. 952)
3. S.L. Mason Elementary School
(Black--629, White--189, Other--42, G. Tot.--860)
4. W.G. Nunn Elementary School
(Black--976, White--50, Other--52, G. Tot.--1078
5. Southeast Elementary School
(Black--285, White--8, Other--6, G. Tot.--299)
(Black--56, White--5, Other--4, G. Tot.--65)
7. Newbern Middle Elementary
(Black—482, White--9, Other--13, G/ Tot.--504)
8. Valdosta Middle School
(Black—620, White—251, Other—42, G. Tot.--913)
9. Valdosta High
(Black-1,232, White--358, Other--71, G. Tot. -- 1,661)
10. PLC
(Black—211, White--7, Other--5, G. Tot.--223)
Grand Total: Black: 5, 551 Whites: 1, 278 Other: 383 G. Total: 7,212
34. I appreciate everything the Board has done in regards to educating our children and providing the very best learning environment possible. I also understand that it is not all about race but the high crime rate in our community can be traced back to the unemployment rate of many parents in the underprivileged areas of our community. (I believe that those White Valdosta City School Employees and the majority White Administrators employed (Little White House) in disproportionate numbers than Blacks and other ethnic groups could be a contributing factor to the high crime rate in certain communities).
35. In addition, most people of average intelligence should understand that equal employment, diversity, and inclusion are attributes that contributes to reducing crime among our youths while fostering a better working environment for those educating our children in Valdosta City School System. I wait your response in writing and had previous questions been answered sooner----this list would have been much shorter. http://www.blogger.com/posts.g?blogID=816105384577343848 Thanks!
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
Cc: Local News Media
Members of the General Public (Hand Outs)
Radio Stations, Churches
Civil Rights Organizations [SCLC, NAACP, NAN, ICU, FCU, BPC]
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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