Thursday, March 11, 2010

Valdosta Citizens Rights to KNOW! (Valdosta School Board Meetings)

March 8, 2010

by:George Boston Rhynes

Over 473 Tax Paying Citizens have had their questions ignored by this Board at a public meeting in the State of Georgia, and witnessed by: Our Local News Media Outlets, Local President of the SCLC, State President of the NAACP (Edward Dubois), and hundreds of other citizens and voters from the General Public.

We cannot, and should NOT blame Dr. Cason alone. But every Board Member that took an OATH of service. A great philosopher once said; “You are NOT who YOU claim to be: But who YOU prove YOURSELF to be; over a given period of time, and that one false move; is a fatal mistake.”

VOTERS apparently made this FATAL MISTAKE by voting you into office. Only to have their concerns and those of their children treated as “Little Ball Headed Pieces” on a chessboard---to be ignored---as invisible objects of matter.

But as a Retired Military Veteran, I intend to make my case---within (60) days. That “Taxation without Representation is Tyranny,” and prove; that VOTERS take “OATHS of OFFICE” seriously!

I commend Board Chairman Love for calling me and discussing the issues here for over an hour. With Minister Robinson, my radio co-host; on WJEM, 1150 AM, Radio Talk Show. But citizens deserve answers, and I also invite Board Members on my radio show.

In conclusion: The proposed consolidation of schools VALIDATES; that Black and White Right Citizens have said for decades. That there were major problems here in Valdosta!

We often blame Big Government; but the United States Justice Department has put Valdosta and Lowndes County on notice on how business is being conducted here. We should understand-----that it was Big Government; that stood against States Rights and insured that Blacks returning HOME from foreign battlefields; were treated as American Citizens!

It was Big Government; that protected CITIZENS during the Civil, and Human Rights Movement; as well as insuring; and granting White Women the right to Vote!
And Yes! We HIGHLY respect our 44th President UNAPOLOGETICALLY as we respected the other 43 Presidents. Minister Robinson; will give each of you a copy of the “Obsidian Newspaper” and a copy of this presentation. We await your (TIMELY) response in writing as requested. Thank you!

SPECIAL NOTE: After comments from Chairman Love, and Superintendent Cason I agreed to send another letter or e-mail to all Board Members. And that I would make the questions so simple that even a kindergarten student could understand them. Members in the audience laughed and some applauded. Then I said, in writing for my records-----please.

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity