Friday, September 11, 2009

Supt. Cason Makes History! Refuse to allow Children, and military dependents of soldiers, to watch Presidents Speech in 2009

September 12, 2009

George Boston Rhynes
Valdosta, Georgia

SUBJECT: Valdosta Makes History by Superintendent Bill Cason denying First Black African American President of the United States from speaking to Valdosta Inter City School Students on September 8, 2009.

TO: Associated Press (AP), National News Media Outlets, News papers, Internet, Blog, and Beyond

I met with Valdosta City School Superintendent Dr. Bill Cason prior to President Barack Obama address to school students across the nation. He expressed his reasons for denying children to watch the president’s speech and it made little to no sense to me. Nor did his quote published in the Valdosta Daily Times saying, “It is not that we were denying the children at all, we just chose the second alternative.”

The failure of our superintendent to consult with parents, teachers and students in a school system where Black African Students are in the majority is a total disgrace, and unacceptable. Superintendent Cason decision reminded me of the old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 to control, suppress, abate, and keep Blacks deaf, dumb, and blind to the times. This mentality is fueled and maintained by Valdosta local television, (ABC, NBC, CBS) newspaper and radio stations by not reporting information to the general public. This practice has been carried on in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia perhaps since 1860 without questions from those in control.

It was just five years ago (2004) when this 1860 Valdosta City Charter was removed from the wall on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Court Room where citizens came expecting to justice under the law in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia. Even our local Judicial System must be called into question because of this 1860 mentality.

Now just five years later we see our City School Superintendent aligned himself with the dictates of this outdated 1860 charter by banning President Obama message to Valdosta inter city school children. Dr. Case should have taken his example from the Lowndes County School Superintendent that deviated in some degree from this document and allowed some students attending county schools to watch the speech.


After retiring from the United States Armed Forces of the United States. I was literally shocked to see Valdosta Mayor and council members conducting the people business with these despicable words displayed on the wall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Court Room of Judge Edwards in 2004.

When I asked that this despicable charter be removed from the wall in city hall. It created much controversy but was reluctantly removed but not without vigorous debate from several members on the city council. Today it seems that the spirit of this document is prevalent in the hearts of our leaders and in other areas of our community that has influenced Dr. Cason disgraceful decision concerning our children.

Moreover the memory of this document along with Dr. Cason despicable decision only fuels the on going debate that some citizens along with their children are not as good as others in Valdosta-Lowndes County. Perhaps this was best described by the words of Valdosta City Councilman Robert Yost of the 6th district who was quoted in the Valdosta Daily Times as saying, “Is Councilman Robert Yost saying that it's OK to kill a person who shoots and wounds a police officer because of cost incurred at a hospital?” The writer of the Letter to the Editor said, “Wow, what a thought process at a council meeting, “

Although the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 Charter was removed physically. Dr. Cason seems to have made his point clear as crystal. That a continual system exists in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia to control, suppress, and abate all nuisances arriving from hogs, dogs, horses, citizens being properly informed or other stock straying at large in Valdosta, or from other causes that could arrive from a Harvard Graduate (President Barack Obama) telling school children to take on individual responsibility.

In addition it is becoming apparent that our local governmental bodies, television, newspaper, radio, religious institutions and others are contributing to the longevity of the 1860 mean spirited mentality in 2009, and is not just limited to Blacks but to all who live and visit our beloved community.

This controlling and suppressing of news worthy events and the information at Valdosta Public Meetings in the State of Georgia by local ABC, NBC, CBS Television, Newspaper, and Radio Stations keeps local citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts.

Therefore it is imperative that Americans understand that Black African Americans endured much abuse, suffering and mistreatment in America. However Blacks never stooped so low as to spread hate filled speeches, criticism, condemnation, call a sitting president a lie before the United States Congress, the American people via satellite around the world as was done by a white Southerner from South Carolina.

copy and paste VIDEO, A FIGHT FOR YOUR SOUL:

Not even during slavery, Jim Crow, segregation or the lynching crusades in the south did Blacks disrespect the other 43 White Male Presidents as is now being done to our 44th President of the United States of America, his wife, and children. We must understand that NEVER before in the history of our beloved nation has an American President been disrespected as President Obama and it is sad that Valdosta is on the wrong side of history in the 21st Century.

Therefore Dr. Cason has highlighted a need for all people of conscience to understand that “the fight for our soul must continue.” So how much is enough in the land of the free and the home of the braves?

So in 2009 the Old Valdosta City Charter Mentality of 1860 seems alive; and well in the most effective controlling and suppressing process. As it was on May 5, 2005 when an elected official made comments during the Valdosta City Council Meeting similar to those in the 1860 charter that resulted in fifteen law-abiding citizens being arrested because they address their elected officials concerning placing an item on the agenda to rename Barber Park. This was a public park that was located in a community that is 89 percent Black. But as it is often the case in Valdosta this arrest and the circumstances surrounding the arrest and incarceration is perhaps the best-kept hush, hush secret in our community. Thanks to our local television, newspaper, and radio controlling, and suppress machines that keep the general public ignorant.

Therefore we must not permit Dr. Cason to control and suppress information designed to inform and educate our children. He has NOW set a disgraceful white cloud, and dangerous precedence so no other American President, military recruiter, Politician, Celebrity, visitor, mark election for students, law enforcement officers, city mayor, Councilmen, county commissioner, fire chief etc., should be permitted to come into the Valdosta City School System and address our children-----without first getting approval from certain parents or a law suit should be filed immediately against the Valdosta City School System based on the superintendent actions in this case.

Seemingly the City of Valdosta made history by our superintendent denying students to watch the presidents address and saying, “It does not align to Georgia state standards, and therefore would not meet the district’s instructional goals, nor would it help students achieve or exceed personal and educational goals, use every instructional minute we have to bring these kids up to par, especially in language arts and math....and following the Georgia Performance Standards.”

Therefore Dr. Cason should consider resigning to another position or retiring so he can better serve our students and community so all children can reach their highest potential. This will better empowered our children to face the future with confidence instead of remaining deaf, dumb, and blind as a result of political arm-twisting by the few over the many.

In addition this control, suppress, and abate mentality can only lead to long-term indoctrination, and incarceration of our children instead of being properly educated by a Harvard graduate. God bless Valdosta, Lowndes County, the State of Georgia and our beloved republic.

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Other proof of Control, suppress, abate etch

Video: A fight for your soul,

Video: A chorus of fear and the disparity of Black income VS Whites:

Part One:

Part Two:

Reporter Johnna Pinholster Coverage of a public meeting.

George Boston Rhynes on Obama Site

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