Friday, May 28, 2010

Dr. Marilyn McCluskey Address of A Continuous Practice and pattern of the Valdosta City School Board & System and Local News Media WHITEOUT Machine. Why?

Valdosta City School Board & System of Education Monthly Meeting
Dr. Marilyn McCluskey Addresses, (May 24, 2010, 7:00 PM)

SUBJECT AREA: Valdosta City School System

I just got Teacher of the Year (2010) and I never got a gift from her and so. Ah, I know and I want to address this first. I know some of you probably say that I am a trouble maker and I though long and hard about this and I thought long and hard before I came before you guys and I did some soul searching and I said you know; Harriet Tubman I am sure was a trouble maker, and Martin L. King Jr., and Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks, Dr. Dorothy Heights, I am sure Leigh Touchton and Beverly Madison. They are also trouble makers and I am pretty sure that the biggest trouble of them all right now is probably President Barack Obama. But the one thing I can say is; if it had not been for these trouble makers. I would not have been able to walk through the front door of the Valdosta City School Board (VCSB) and I would not be able to stand here before you tonight holding a doctorate from the University of Georgia.

So if my trouble making will make a change in the Valdosta City School System guys I am sorry, but I am going to have to make a little more trouble. Because I hope that I am really, really I want you to see that I am not trying to work against you. I really, really just want change to come and the emphatics for me starting all of this was in my class room and most people don’t know this.

My students and I would go to the news paper and we would pull articles out and our thing was we were looking at the crime section and we looked for those students, those people that are 25 and below and we clipped out the articles and we would post them and discuss them and we realized something quickly. Most of those people were people that we knew most of those people were people that had dropped out of the Valdosta City School System. And my goal was we got to do something. We have to make a change.

One of us could be that person sitting in the Waffle House refusing to give up our wallet to somebody that the Valdosta City School System failed. And that’s the bottom line. That’s the biggest point that people do not understand. It’s not whether or not we like each other. Ah, I like yawl but by the way. But it’s not all about whether we like each other it’s about doing what is right for kids.

What I want to talk about to you tonight and it’s a policy that I am sure that you guys don’t know about. Last year we were instructed to send our old students to the PLC. As 8th grade teachers we had to identify students that were going to the 16 in the 9th grade and we ended up sending 17 students I know from the 8th grade did not go to the high school. The seventh grade teachers identified 20 students, and our 6th grade teachers identified 15 students and what we did is that ended up with us sending 52 students to the PLC.

Now I had a problem with that then because the next thing that came up was you know the PLC is a separate school now and the first thing I said is, O’ my God. They are going to dump kids over there because those test scores would not count and when I looked at the test this time of course that’s what happening. Those 22 9th graders that took the math tests at the PLC; every last on of them failed. And so my thing is this. I have a question and I am hoping one of you will answer it. Why was the Pineville Learning Center turned into a regular school? And why is it that we had 52 students, Valdosta Middle School only had 4 and you know it would not be bad if you send them over there. If you want to call them out and if you were going to do something special for them the come up with something innovative to really get them learning. But it’s not equal over there.

They had less resources than both middle schools. I know I personally sent a e-mail to a Board Member saying this is ridiculous. These kids are using this text book. This science test book that we threw away this year and we disregarded two years ago. And so after I fussed, and baulked a little bit. They finally got science text books, brand new science text books. I know because I personally pulled them out of my closet and sent them over there. They got work books finally. I had 5 computers and when I would go over to work with science teachers at the PLC. I felt so bad because here I am sitting with 5 computes. I could do WEB QUEST and at that time he had one.

So I am begging you tonight if you are going to dump them at the PLC then at least take times out of your busy schedule and go over to the PLC. This is something that you need to see for yourself because know they say women lie; men lie, numbers don’t lie. Go see it for yourself and you will see that the items are not there. You will see what text books they have and to me. It made me think about the school that my mom use to talk about back in the 60s, and I really, really, really, really feel. That if you are really concerned and if you are really interested please go over there and do something for our kids and its kind of sad because people are looking at their watches and things.

And I am going to be honest with you a change is not going to come until you are ready for a change to come and if you are not ready to do right by the kids of Valdosta. Then you will not see a change in Valdosta. The crime will continue to go up and pretty soon it will be over the creek side on the other side of town and then it will be too late.

Thank you!

This INFORMATION was a total WHITEOUT by local media in Valdosta, Georgia and shows a continuous practice and pattern of our local unacceptable News Media. Moreover I have transcribed it (here) because citizens have a right to know what transpires at public meetings in the State of Georgia in 2010.

This practice and pattern have existed for decades and have left citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings in our community. But who cares in our beloved Republic in 2010?

Ms Mason Address To Board and Public... 1971 Justice Department Court Order Status...Yet Local News Media WHITEOUT Machine Practice and Pattern Continues. Why?

Valdosta City School Board & System, Of Education Monthly Meeting
Ms MASON ADDRESS, (May 24, 2010, 7:00 PM)

SUBJECT AREA: City School Board Update to Department of Justice 1971 Court Order (40 years ago)

We have to transfer some teachers this school year. Ah we started the process about three years ago when we transferred our teachers and our assistant principals. When our K-5 elementary schools…..we started transpiring…..So we started that process about 3 years ago when we were not aware of the Department of Justice. We started that process then. This year we are going to have to start the involuntary process of the reassignment. So we are going to have to take both of our middle schools and do some transfers.

We are also going to do SL Mason and South Eastern Transfer so I don’t know numbers yet. We are going to have to wait until our contracts come in from our teachers which or contracts are due back from our schools tomorrow. We are going to have to look at contracts; we are going to have to look at certification to get the exact number on who is going to be transferred. Again, we are going to look at certification, the race, and the needs of the schools.

So we will have more numbers for you probably in the next two to three weeks. We are gong to have to meet with cabinets. We are going to have to meet administrations; we are going to probably meet with the curriculum as well to see where people are going to be placed and what numbers are going to go where at each school.

We are also going to give the Department of justice a proposal to make sure that when we give these numbers to them in October---ok. We don’t want to go in October with our numbers and hear we don’t have unitary status. We want to know ahead of time that we have unitary status. So with that being said, we have a 15 percent ratio that we need to be in; in our district wide average is 33 percent. So we need to take our numbers with all of our schools and make sure we are in our 15 percent average. So the last time we looked at our middle schools the Department of Justice told us that we needed to be at 50 percent.

So it’s going to be quite a few transfers between the two middle schools. We think we are going to be ok with South East and SL Mason. But it’s going to be a hand full of transfers. But our big concern is going to be with those middle school transfers. Transferring those middle schools. Because our counselor at the Department of Justice wants it to be 50, 50 with our minority so ah. She is not concerned about the high school. They are their own, and she counting that separately, she is counting PLC separately. So it’s the middle schools that we have the big concerns with. So it is going to take several meetings.


Ms Mason Response to Warren Lee: Right and I think Dr. Cason and I talk about this constantly and we are very confidently that we can get unitary status. But it’s just going to be a lot of work to do the transfers between those middle schools.

I wish I had numbers for you tonight but again we don’t have contracts back. So therefore I can’t give you numbers. The numbers that we reported to the Department of Justice were last year’s numbers. So once we get contracts back in they will all be in tomorrow. So we will be working on those reports this week and next week. Again we will have meetings and we will determine who’s going where and we will have a better feel for giving you numbers of who’s going to be transferring……. But we know that our middle schools are going to be the big number of transfers.

Does anyone have any questions?

BOARD MEMBER, Warren Lee, Just an input in regards to 15 percent….Ah, at this point but by no means, I hope this Board is happy with 33 percent minority increase.

Interruption by: BY MS Mason: I understand…

Board Member Warren Lee: Just let me finish.

I realize that we are in a hard crunch now as far as minority hiring is concerned….. And I have talked time and time again with the Board and the Superintendent. We…..I want to make sure Mr. Chairmen and the Board as a hold that we do everything possible to increase minority hiring and when I say minority. I am talking directly about Black teachers.

Interruption by Ms Mason: I understand,

BOARD MEMBER, Warren Lee, “Just let me finish please….”

This is what we need to do. Thirty three percent is not going to get it and that’s Mr. Lee, and hopefully this Board feels the same way. We must improve our hiring of Blacks in this system; not only at the middle schools but at our primary schools. You know we have to do better and if we can’t do better then maybe some changes are going to have to be made. Because we have been here for a long time singing this tune now and I know they are out there.

Interruption by Ms. Mason: But I will tell you!

Board Member Warren Lee: Just let me finish! Ms Mason responds: OK!

Lee continues: We are going to have to do something Board of Election to try to increase our minorities to come to the Valdosta City School System. Its time out for us; just sitting and talking without coming together as a Board, Mr. Chairmen to do something to address this problem.

Now this problem has been around for too long and Board of Education, Mr. Superintendent and Chairmen. It is time now to put it to rest. It is a lingering shame that we still have the Justice Department looking at this system. I say once and for all less do everything we possibly can to give Ms Mason the tools that she need. Her and her staff to bring in qualified teachers which includes-----Black teachers. Thank you.

Ms Mason Response, I will tell you….starting their teachers out at $45,000.00 a year. We cannot compete with that in the state of Georgia. We are recruiting at another table and they are going to go to another table that is going to pay $12,000.00 more a year and for a kid coming out of college. They are going to go to that table.

Board Member Warren Lee, “Look! Give us an opportunity to come up with something”

Ms Mason Response And I appreciate that you are doing that because I want minority teachers here too. We want highly qualified teachers for our students here and I understand minority recruitment but according to the Department of Justice though; they said we are on target for minority recruitment. It’s just that…..

Interruption by Board Member Warren Lee, “I appreciate what you are saying; but I have been here for a long time.”

Ms Mason Response, I know, I understand that; I understand but our main focus right now is ……..

Board Member Warren Lee, response to Ms Mason: “I appreciate what you all are doing.”

Another Newer Board Member response to Warren Lee: Most of this Board is new so I think the public needs to know and understand about this Board. Some of yawl done been here a long time. We have not and we are doing what needs to be done and will you please recognize that during that part of the discussion that we just had.

Board Member Warren Lee, That’s why I said…..

Ms Mason Response, .But after our group has put together the final results I will be back to give you those final results of the transcripts. Thank you…

SPECIAL NOTE: Since there were no microphones or speaker system at the meeting. It was impossible to pick up a small part of Board Member Warren Lee questions, and other dialogue from the meeting. However there was little omitted or not given here. (It is imperative that microphones and speakers be made available at this public meeting in the State of Georgia for all citizens to hear what goes on at this meeting. This has been presented before the Board for well over a year.)

This IGNORED INFORMATION by all local television stations and news papers were ignored here in Valdosta, Georgia. I transcribed it for all citizens because I believe citizens have a right to know what transpires at public meetings in the State of Georgia in 2010. For decades our local news media has ignored important information and has contributed to keeping citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings. But who cares in our beloved Republic in 2010?

Valdosta City School Board
Of Education Monthly Meeting
(May 24, 2010, 7:00 PM)

SUBJECT AREA: Complaints from NAACP Legal Redress Committee, and questions concerning Valdosta Daily Times publication about the City School System.

Ms Leigh Touchton: Ah, Ms Fisher since your attorney is not here tonight and ah, Ms Fisher and I have a long history together. So I know she will make sure that it gets to the attorney.

But basically the second Open Records Request I am just asking about the audit. Ah, and when it was done; where I can see all the information. And then the Third Open Records Request I am just asking for a variety of things pertaining to the article that was in the news papers on Sunday regarding the testing at the CRCT erasure situation at the middle school.

And I am basically interested in what happened to in particular some students that was pulled out by the principal what that erasure rate is and also some other questions pertaining to that and also pertaining to the investigator that was brought in to speak to the teachers and I believe his name was Chester Nutterwood and according to the article in the Valdosta Daily Times. He was identified as an investigator with the Processional Standards Commission. But he is not with the Professional Standards Commission, and I am just wondering what the situation with that was?

And then our branch is all because we have received complaints and the NAACP now has a stack of investigations that we are required by our State Conference (NAACP) to address. That’s part of it. And there is an issue with the presence that was given to the teachers that had to speak to this investigator and I am just concerned about that because you know. I don’t know why teachers have to be given presence if they are fulfilling their professional duties, and that’s part of it, is to participate in an internal investigation or an external investigation. And I just think that looks really bad and so I would like some clarification as to what all happened.

Thank you!

Leigh Touchton
President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County (NAACP)
Addresses Valdosta City School Board of Education

SPECIAL NOTE: Since there were no microphones or speaker system at the meeting. It was impossible to pick up a small part of Board Member Warren Lee questions, and other dialogue from the meeting. However there was little omitted or not given here. (It is imperative that microphones and speakers be made available at this public meeting in the State of Georgia for all citizens to hear what goes on at this meeting. This has been presented before the Board for well over a year.)

This IGNORED INFORMATION by all local television stations and news papers were ignored here in Valdosta, Georgia. I transcribed it for all citizens because I believe citizens have a right to know what transpires at public meetings in the State of Georgia in 2010. For decades our local news media has ignored important information and has contributed to keeping citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings. But who cares in our beloved Republic in 2010?

Valdosta City School Board
Of Education Monthly Meeting
Dr. Marilyn McClusky Addresses
(May 24, 2010, 7:00 PM)

SUBJECT AREA: Valdosta City School System

I just got Teacher of the Year (2010) and I never got a gift from her and so. Ah, I know and I want to address this first. I know some of you probably say that I am a trouble maker and I though long and hard about this and I thought long and hard before I came before you guys and I did some soul searching and I said you know; Harriet Tubman I am sure was a trouble maker, and Martin L. King Jr., and Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks, Dr. Dorothy Heights, I am sure Leigh Touchton and Beverly Madison. They are also trouble makers and I am pretty sure that the biggest trouble of them all right now is probably President Barack Obama. But the one thing I can say is; if it had not been for these trouble makers. I would not have been able to walk through the front door of the Valdosta City School Board (VCSB) and I would not be able to stand here before you tonight holding a doctorate from the University of Georgia.

So if my trouble making will make a change in the Valdosta City School System guys I am sorry, but I am going to have to make a little more trouble. Because I hope that I am really, really I want you to see that I am not trying to work against you. I really, really just want change to come and the emphatics for me starting all of this was in my class room and most people don’t know this.

My students and I would go to the news paper and we would pull articles out and our thing was we were looking at the crime section and we looked for those students, those people that are 25 and below and we clipped out the articles and we would post them and discuss them and we realized something quickly. Most of those people were people that we knew most of those people were people that had dropped out of the Valdosta City School System. And my goal was we got to do something. We have to make a change.

One of us could be that person sitting in the Waffle House refusing to give up our wallet to somebody that the Valdosta City School System failed. And that’s the bottom line. That’s the biggest point that people do not understand. It’s not whether or not we like each other. Ah, I like yawl but by the way. But it’s not all about whether we like each other it’s about doing what is right for kids.

What I want to talk about to you tonight and it’s a policy that I am sure that you guys don’t know about. Last year we were instructed to send our old students to the PLC. As 8th grade teachers we had to identify students that were going to the 16 in the 9th grade and we ended up sending 17 students I know from the 8th grade did not go to the high school. The seventh grade teachers identified 20 students, and our 6th grade teachers identified 15 students and what we did is that ended up with us sending 52 students to the PLC.

Now I had a problem with that then because the next thing that came up was you know the PLC is a separate school now and the first thing I said is, O’ my God. They are going to dump kids over there because those test scores would not count and when I looked at the test this time of course that’s what happening. Those 22 9th graders that took the math tests at the PLC; every last on of them failed. And so my thing is this. I have a question and I am hoping one of you will answer it. Why was the Pineville Learning Center turned into a regular school? And why is it that we had 52 students, Valdosta Middle School only had 4 and you know it would not be bad if you send them over there. If you want to call them out and if you were going to do something special for them the come up with something innovative to really get them learning. But it’s not equal over there.

They had less resources than both middle schools. I know I personally sent a e-mail to a Board Member saying this is ridiculous. These kids are using this text book. This science test book that we threw away this year and we disregarded two years ago. And so after I fussed, and baulked a little bit. They finally got science text books, brand new science text books. I know because I personally pulled them out of my closet and sent them over there. They got work books finally. I had 5 computers and when I would go over to work with science teachers at the PLC. I felt so bad because here I am sitting with 5 computes. I could do WEB QUEST and at that time he had one.

So I am begging you tonight if you are going to dump them at the PLC then at least take times out of your busy schedule and go over to the PLC. This is something that you need to see for yourself because know they say women lie; men lie, numbers don’t lie. Go see it for yourself and you will see that the items are not there. You will see what text books they have and to me. It made me think about the school that my mom use to talk about back in the 60s, and I really, really, really, really feel. That if you are really concerned and if you are really interested please go over there and do something for our kids and its kind of sad because people are looking at their watches and things.

And I am going to be honest with you a change is not going to come until you are ready for a change to come and if you are not ready to do right by the kids of Valdosta. Then you will not see a change in Valdosta. The crime will continue to go up and pretty soon it will be over the creek side on the other side of town and then it will be too late.

Thank you!

SPECIAL NOTE: Since there were no microphones or speaker system at the meeting. It was impossible to pick up a small part of Board Member Warren Lee questions, and other dialogue from the meeting. However there was little omitted or not given here. (It is imperative that microphones and speakers be made available at this public meeting in the State of Georgia for all citizens to hear what goes on at this meeting. This has been presented before the Board for well over a year.)

This INFORMATION was a total WHITEOUT by local media in Valdosta, Georgia and shows a continuous practice and pattern of our local unacceptable News Media. Moreover I have transcribed it (here) because citizens have a right to know what transpires at public meetings in the State of Georgia in 2010.

This practice and pattern have existed for decades and have left citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings in our community. But who cares in our beloved Republic in 2010?

Leigh Touchton Address of a Continuous Practice and Pattern of The Valdosta City School Board System, Local News Media WHITEOUT Machine. WHY?

Valdosta City School Board & System of Education Monthly Meeting


SUBJECT AREA: Complaints from NAACP Legal Redress Committee, and questions concerning Valdosta Daily Times publication about the City School System.

Ms Leigh Touchton: Ah, Ms Fisher since your attorney is not here tonight and ah, Ms Fisher and I have a long history together. So I know she will make sure that it gets to the attorney.

But basically the second Open Records Request I am just asking about the audit. Ah, and when it was done; where I can see all the information. And then the Third Open Records Request I am just asking for a variety of things pertaining to the article that was in the news papers on Sunday regarding the testing at the CRCT erasure situation at the middle school.

And I am basically interested in what happened to in particular some students that was pulled out by the principal what that erasure rate is and also some other questions pertaining to that and also pertaining to the investigator that was brought in to speak to the teachers and I believe his name was Chester Nutterwood and according to the article in the Valdosta Daily Times. He was identified as an investigator with the Processional Standards Commission. But he is not with the Professional Standards Commission, and I am just wondering what the situation with that was?

And then our branch is all because we have received complaints and the NAACP now has a stack of investigations that we are required by our State Conference (NAACP) to address. That’s part of it. And there is an issue with the presence that was given to the teachers that had to speak to this investigator and I am just concerned about that because you know. I don’t know why teachers have to be given presence if they are fulfilling their professional duties, and that’s part of it, is to participate in an internal investigation or an external investigation. And I just think that looks really bad and so I would like some clarification as to what all happened.

Thank you!

Leigh Touchton
President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County (NAACP)
Addresses Valdosta City School Board of Education

SPECIAL NOTE: Since there were no microphones or speaker system at the meeting. It was impossible to pick up a small part of Board Member Warren Lee questions, and other dialogue from the meeting. However there was little omitted or not given here. (It is imperative that microphones and speakers be made available at this public meeting in the State of Georgia for all citizens to hear what goes on at this meeting. This has been presented before the Board for well over a year.)

This INFORMATION was a total WHITEOUT by local media in Valdosta, Georgia and shows a continuous practice and pattern of our local unacceptable News Media. Moreover I have transcribed it (here) because citizens have a right to know what transpires at public meetings in the State of Georgia in 2010.

This practice and pattern have existed for decades and have left citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings in our community. But who cares in our beloved Republic in 2010?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Local TV and News Paper Keeping Citizens Deaf, Dumb, and Blind to Public Meetings! "Valdosta, Georgia"

President Leigh Touchton (NAACP)
Addresses Valdosta City School Board of Education

Monday, May 17, 2010

DATE: March 10, 2010, 7:00 pm, Audience 117 people participating but only thirty-two seats were available!

Hi, everybody, Leigh Touchton, President NAACP Lowndes Valdosta Branch. Do you need my address? NO!

I am here tonight and I wish I had had the conversation three days ago that I had here in the chambers tonight. Ah, I would have written a much stronger letter. Ah, but I wrote this letter Ah, not knowing as much as I know tonight. Ah, basically I am distrubed and distressed by the number of Black teachers and administrators that have been hired, fired and demoted in the last week and a half. Ah, I thank that the fact that 4 Black School Board Members voted against these recommendations from the Superintendent while five White School Board Members voted for it. I believe that sends a clear message to the community that the Black Members of your School Board believe that your recommendation were inherently unfair.

Ah, I know from years of experience that Valdosta City Schools is under court order to diversity the staff (1971). I can speak from experience that my daughter will be starting her 4th year at S.L. Mason and she has never had a Black teacher. Even though 70 to 80 percent of every class that she has ever been in has been populated with Black students. I am rather tired that my daughter has never had a Black teacher and we are in a school that is over 70 Percent Black and you are serving a clientele which is over 70 percent Black and you are under court order to diversify the staff.

I spent three and a half hours at Pineville Lomax Learning Center in the last week and a half. Touring the facility got a great deal of questions answered and I saw a staff at (PLC) Pineville Learning Center that was almost 80% Black. When we’ve come before you; not just myself but when SCLC, and other people have come before you and asked what is the problem with hiring more Black teachers you always tell us that you cannot find qualified Black teachers. Well my suggestion to you is respectfully is that you consult with Principal Dunn at PLC. Because he has done a phenomenal, phenomenal job of diversifying his staff.

Ah, if he can do it there is no reason why now the Valdosta City School System cannot do it. It is simply not fair, and the court has said that it is unfair of what is going on here and I am at least one WHITE Parent who is tired of her daughter not having any Black teachers. Ah, I could go on and on about the lack of male Black teachers, the lack of male Black Administrators but Ah, that’s something that has been covered at length numerous times before so I will just mention it. Ah, this letter is basically outlining my complaints regarding the lack of diversity and the fact that over 50 percent in fact almost two out of three 56 percent of the people who were fired in the last ½ weeks are Black people. Out of the 8 new people that were hired only one is a Black person according to the Open Record Request that I filed a week ago and received the information from you.

Now maybe there have been new hires since then. This Open Records Request that I have given you tonight Ah, basically outlines what I found out and asking you to provide more information about the new hires and also there applications for employment. Because some of the things that we are hearing is that Black applicants are held to a higher standards and we can give you names in private of specific cases whereby Black applicants were denied employment where as White applicants with fewer credentials less experienced with in fact incomplete employment applications were in fact hired by the City Schools.

Ah, at this point you terminated 56% on your RIF List are Black people that is almost two out of three on your rehire right here, new hire list 1 out of 8 is Black. That’s 12.5 percent I think those numbers speak for themselves. What I have not ascertained yet, but I will be in tomorrow with another Open Records Request is the number of people who have been demoted and erased of those people who have been demoted because based on the conversations that I have had out in the council chambers. It looks like several people Ah; several Black people were retaliated against or ah, simply demoted so that IMS could save money. But in my opinion if you are going to demote people you need to be doing it in a racially fair manner and not targeting Black people. Thank you!

This is a transcribed edition of what transpired during Valdosta City School Board Monthly Meeting. However local newspaper and television stations failed to publish this to the general public. This has been a routine practice for several decades in our community leaving citizens deaf, dumb and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings in the State of Georgia. (Yet elected officials from both city and county branches of government appear on mostly conservative radio stations and provide information to some but not to ALL citizens. I provided this information (HERE) because I believe ALL citizens have a right to know what takes place at public meetings in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia. Just keeping certain citizens deaf, dumb, and blind has existed for too long and must be stopped immediately. Therefore local citizens must ask if our local governments are still following the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 to control and suppress citizen.

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity


Dr. Marilyn McCluskey
Addresses Valdosta City School Board of Education

DATE: March 10, 2010, 7:00 pm, Audience 117 people participating but only thirty-two seats were available!

I met most of you guys and what I want to talk to you tonight about is teacher morale. I have a Power Point presentation to share with you guys. And ah, basically what ah, Ms Touchton was just talking about; the source of what I have to talk about tonight and that is why teacher’s morale is low. And I know my moral is low right now and lot of people that look like me their morale is low as well. So could you start it now please (Power Point Presentation). I want to come before the Board and I plan to come before every Board Meeting until I leave in October and give you guys some professional development classes from me. Ah as far as we see what the needs are in the system are.

Ok! Teacher Morale and you can really go through that pretty quickly. Morale is the extent to which a person’s needs are met. It is also the extent to which the person feels SATISFACTION in his/her job. That is what morale is. It is important because students learn and teaching retention can all be tied to the level of teacher moral. Our students are not performing like they should and a lot of it I believe is because teachers are not satisfied with their job.

Next Board Meeting I will talk about effective leadership which is a major problem. Ah, things that happens when morale is low, you have confusion, insecurity, frustration, lack of confidence, fear of supervision and lot of people are not coming before you guys because they fear being retaliated against. And I know this happened. I am Teacher of The Year and I am no longer I my classroom. I am in ISS “In School Suspension” and no loner in my classroom so for that reason so that lets us know that…they are not coming.

Low morale….ultimately leads to HIGH ABSNTEEISM and HIGH TEACHER TURNOVER which ends up costing the system (US) million of dollars. OK, how can you all increase teacher morale? OK, this was in the Valdosta Daily Times and the RIF Policy we just had is definitely a morale killer. If someone is not affected directly. Everyone in the school system is indirectly affected. RIF (Reduction In force) Policy was not in itself, a “Morale Killer.” Morale was killed when the policy was thrust upon teachers with no Rhyme or reason. And I got some points that I will go through fairly quickly.

Dr. Cason said he wanted to make sure that he was not being unfair to anybody. Was it fair? This is how we perceived RIF to be killing morale.

(1) Principals at each school first provided input, Dr. Cason said. Did principals take the opportunity to rid themselves of teachers that they did not particularly like?

(2) Then he looked at what best suited the needs of the “KIDS,” Dr. Cason said. Then children in the Valdosta City School System need effective teachers and smaller class sizes; we can not afford to have larger class sizes. Has anyone examined the discipline records lately? RIF out a lot of effective teachers discipline reports if you pull them you will see that the kid’s clientele we serve cannot be best served in classes that are large. You will have more opportunity for increase discipline.

(3) The Third thing, I was totally confused to this so he may can clarify this later? Ah, are these (RIF) Positions going to be fill later on with hew hires? I kind of wanted to that but really, really hurt me morale is the fact that it said that the district office personnel spent hours upon hours working with the list before it was presented to the Board. Hours doing what?

OK! No areas was spared I looked at the budget; talked with Mr. Rush and had a good conversation. I felt really good about Mr. Rush. I could tell you he is confident in his job. He really helped to see that some of the things I suggested were not going to work. Because I like Mr. Rush now; very good. He is a good man. (Laugh and applause)

Ok! Those who will be affected by the policies at all levels of the system from teachers. This is what really hurt me. Was some of the cuts really necessary? Why would we RIF people for instance an assistant principal with 32 years experience, a doctorate degree from a credited university, certification in all areas of special education, special education Director Certificate,. In stead of promoting this individual to Special Education Director. We gave it to a new hire which is a coaches wife. I know we love foot ball. But education needs to come first in Valdosta City Schools. (Applause from Audience)

OK, now I talked to Mr. Rush about this and he clarified it for me. I said Mr. Rush you remember you was telling me about that fund that Yawl grew up to 6 million dollars? He said I got to have money in the bank to pay the bills. I said that’s OK Mr. Rush, I understood so we can just skip that one (Loud Applause)

OK: Now Dr. Cason said that this fiscal year the budget is not approved yet. I think this is great news because this means you guys an opportunity to repeal the RIF. If you do RIF, you got some people that’s going to lose lots of things. If they lose things? If they loose things can they pay taxes? Can you guys get money if they cannot pay their taxes? We had a good conversation a few minutes ago. I did not realize it until he told me that a principal talked with me a few minutes ago that principals have 230 days. Right? Can we cut some days? Can we cut them from 230 to 215?

He is really telling me that there are 50 principals having 200 days. Can we cut a few days there? And we are willing on our end if yawl had asked us? We are willing to furlough. We are willing to cut our supplement. You could have sent out a Survey saying what yawl want to do? To make sure that your colleagues still have their jobs? Like we said; we are a family and we stick together like a family. Like if you knew that that had been your sister, your mother, your daughter or somebody in your family you would have been very, very upset.

I am leaving, I leaving Valdosta a City Schools System in October. I want to be here, and it hurts me to my heart to see the people that I work with lose their jobs. Husband and wives losing their jobs. People crying because they lost their jobs. People who have given this system 32 years and I know how hard it is. Because this year I gave this system everything my class room was featured in the Valdosta Daily times “two page spread.”

All of you; most of you have been in my class room. You know how hard I worked on my class. So imagine it you got other people that have worked that hard in this class room. To us; this is a slap in the face. What is the message I feel you guys are sending is? That we are the majority so why worry about the minority? That’s the message that coming across!

When I looked at the bowl. I got to agree a little bite with Ms Toutchton. I was kind of a little surprised because I know some of yawl are teachers. It kind of shocked me a little bit. I though we would have a little sympathy there. But I admit that it is kind of hurt me a little bit. But I really would like for you guys to think about this, talk about this; see if we can cut. Now if you make a hundred and fifty dollars; two or three days it won’t kill you. If it will save somebody’s job. It won’t kill you. So basically you have the rest of the slide. The only other thing I want you guys to do tonight is to think. Please, please those are my ideas.

Mr. Rush went through them with me. I am going to let him go through those and then I am going to come back and present those to you. But I gave you some ultimatums, and the best ones I came up tonight sitting here talking to him was lets cut two 30 days. Let’s cut some days.

But I thank you guys so much for your time. I hate that the rest of you did not get the opportunity to come to my room because I don’t have a class room anymore. (Loud and Long Applause)

This is a transcribed edition of what transpired during Valdosta City School Board Monthly Meeting. However local newspaper and television stations failed to publish this to the general public. This has been a routine practice for several decades in our community leaving citizens deaf, dumb and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings in the State of Georgia. (Yet elected officials from both city and county branches of government appear on mostly conservative radio stations and provide information to some but not to ALL citizens. I provided this information (HERE) because I believe ALL citizens have a right to know what takes place at public meetings in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia. Just keeping certain citizens deaf, dumb, and blind has existed for too long and must be stopped immediately. Therefore local citizens must ask if our local governments are still following the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 to control and suppress citizen.

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Sister Madison
Addresses Valdosta City School Board of Education

DATE: March 10, 2010, 7:00 pm, Audience 117 people participating but only thirty-two seats were available!

Good Evening my name is Ms Madison; I am a substitute Teacher with the Valdosta City School System. But I am also the Legal Redress Chairman for the NAACP/Valdosta Lowndes County Chapter. I was going to yield my time to Dr. Maclusky but she talks fast. Ah, but I too am concerned about the moral of the teachers. I still have grandchildren still in the system. I have brothers and sisters and other family member’s children in the system and it hurt my heart to see the way things were done. I know that there is a better way. I know that we can do a better job than what we did with that RIF. I know that there is money somewhere and you all just need to take your time to do it. Forget about who is Black who is White and work together as a Board and solve this problem.

You are tearing this city apart with this stupid stuff---that you are doing. It makes no sense. We have had enough racial tension in this town. Let’s work together folks and get it done. You work for me. I voted you in, I can vote you out. Think about it (Loud Applause)

This is a transcribed edition of what transpired during Valdosta City School Board Monthly Meeting. However local newspaper and television stations failed to publish this to the general public. This has been a routine practice for several decades in our community leaving citizens deaf, dumb and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings in the State of Georgia. (Yet elected officials from both city and county branches of government appear on mostly conservative radio stations and provide information to some but not to ALL citizens. I provided this information (HERE) because I believe ALL citizens have a right to know what takes place at public meetings in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia. Just keeping certain citizens deaf, dumb, and blind has existed for too long and must be stopped immediately. Therefore local citizens must ask if our local governments are still following the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 to control and suppress citizen.

GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES (Scripted for the General Public)
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity


Minister John Robinson
Addresses Valdosta City School Board of Education

DATE: March 10, 2010, 7:00 pm, Audience 117 people participating but only thirty-two seats were available!

Made by: Mr. John Robinson: “Good Evening everybody; everybody doing alright, good, my name is John Robinson, I live at …….Lake Park Georgia: I got 19 Grand Children two of my sons went through your school system and my grand kids are there now. I got one being pushed through the system. I am going to introduce myself from another angle. I have been diagnosed with esophageal malignant cancer, terminal and I am facing some issues with the county and the city, along these racist lines. And, I also was the lead plaintiff for 12 long years, Miami Florida with Man well Noriega; Noriega was in the basement during my trial.

My judge was the United State Federal Judge William Hoeveler out of Miami Florida. My attorney was the richest attorney in the State of Florida, John (Jack) Scarola the owner of the famous Islands of Malta, Denny Secrecy and Bernardt. The famous Marvin Dunn was our philologists. I know how these (terminated teachers) people feel. I was stripped of all my dignity and my pride. I felt as if someone just reached inside of me and jerked my heart out. You see, you done painted a picture of this county and this city----of a pattern and practice of something by an all Super White Structure in this city; and it is NOT disputable because it is factual. It’s time out for talk, time out for practicing and playing now. It is time to get it right.

I faced a federal judge, Google him, his name is Moses Baker. He is now a federal judge. We talks about everyday about this city, school board, and system. You done been condemned by the United States Justice Department as far as your zoning herding people into one direction to another trying to set a certain standard for certain qualities of life. Our little school over there where the Wildcats play looks like all they needed is barb wire around the top and it looks like a prison. It seems like something that would set the tone back from the Baroque Age, the Renaissance, and the Reform Time.

I am just here to say this. It is a shame it is a down right disgrace for people to be in a place. Done been in a place for so long facing what we are facing here today. We can not get on one accord on anything. The line is drawn in the sand. Yawl made the decisions. Don’t get it right and you going to pay a price. Somebody is going so deep into your pocket. It is going to tear this city apart. These guys that I have been talking with. This is not a joke, and I have been talking over the history of this place all the way from 1918. From the charter that hanged on the wall in our court house.

Now I am going to yield my time and get out from here but this is something everybody needs to be under consideration. Because this talk is done, and all these people I have informed to talk to others in this city. And we are looking at Mr. Copeland and those firms. We have been talking with them. So we can have some matching dollars to match whatever it takes to do what needs to be done.

This is my home; I have been gone for forty-years. I drank water from the Black Water Cooler down town on Ashley Street when there was a 10 cents store and Jimmy Mitchell and all those old places were there. And I come back here 40 years later and I found this. My worst cancer I had and my disease is malignant, and it is terminal-----was racism. Yawl, Thank yawl! Prepare yourselves; I am fixing to go Rhynes (Applause from Audience), I don’t want to hear no more of this, and I an’t joking, I an’t joking! END of Robinson Address.

This is a transcribed edition of what transpired during Valdosta City School Board Monthly Meeting. However local newspaper and television stations failed to publish this to the general public. This has been a routine practice for several decades in our community leaving citizens deaf, dumb and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings in the State of Georgia. (Yet elected officials from both city and county branches of government appear on mostly conservative radio stations and provide information to some but not to ALL citizens. I provided this information (HERE) because I believe ALL citizens have a right to know what takes place at public meetings in Valdosta-Lowndes County Georgia. Just keeping certain citizens deaf, dumb, and blind has existed for too long and must be stopped immediately. Therefore local citizens must ask if our local governments are still following the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 to control and suppress citizen.

GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES (Scripted For the General Public)
Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

SPECIAL NOTE: Board Meeting Whiteout! No News Paper or Television Coverage, (120 CITIZENS ATTENDING) iS Valdosta 1860 City Charter Mentality Still In Force? (To Control, Supress, Abate, and Keep citizens dumb)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

School Board Members: By Name, and Districts....Your Right To Know; Who is Serving YOU!

YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW: And no American Citizen should be intentionally left Deaf, Dumb, and Blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts!

William Cason

District 1,
Ms. Annie Fisher

District 2,
Ms. Vanasse Flucas

District 3, Mr.
Warren Lee, Vice Chairman

District 4,
Mr. Dean Rexroth

District 5,
Mr. Trey Sherwood

District 6, Mr.
Bill Love, Chairman

Mrs. Jeana Beeland


WHY? WHY? WHY? Is the United States Justice Department Needed to Correct this outdated practice?