Friday, May 28, 2010

Leigh Touchton Address of a Continuous Practice and Pattern of The Valdosta City School Board System, Local News Media WHITEOUT Machine. WHY?

Valdosta City School Board & System of Education Monthly Meeting


SUBJECT AREA: Complaints from NAACP Legal Redress Committee, and questions concerning Valdosta Daily Times publication about the City School System.

Ms Leigh Touchton: Ah, Ms Fisher since your attorney is not here tonight and ah, Ms Fisher and I have a long history together. So I know she will make sure that it gets to the attorney.

But basically the second Open Records Request I am just asking about the audit. Ah, and when it was done; where I can see all the information. And then the Third Open Records Request I am just asking for a variety of things pertaining to the article that was in the news papers on Sunday regarding the testing at the CRCT erasure situation at the middle school.

And I am basically interested in what happened to in particular some students that was pulled out by the principal what that erasure rate is and also some other questions pertaining to that and also pertaining to the investigator that was brought in to speak to the teachers and I believe his name was Chester Nutterwood and according to the article in the Valdosta Daily Times. He was identified as an investigator with the Processional Standards Commission. But he is not with the Professional Standards Commission, and I am just wondering what the situation with that was?

And then our branch is all because we have received complaints and the NAACP now has a stack of investigations that we are required by our State Conference (NAACP) to address. That’s part of it. And there is an issue with the presence that was given to the teachers that had to speak to this investigator and I am just concerned about that because you know. I don’t know why teachers have to be given presence if they are fulfilling their professional duties, and that’s part of it, is to participate in an internal investigation or an external investigation. And I just think that looks really bad and so I would like some clarification as to what all happened.

Thank you!

Leigh Touchton
President of the Valdosta-Lowndes County (NAACP)
Addresses Valdosta City School Board of Education

SPECIAL NOTE: Since there were no microphones or speaker system at the meeting. It was impossible to pick up a small part of Board Member Warren Lee questions, and other dialogue from the meeting. However there was little omitted or not given here. (It is imperative that microphones and speakers be made available at this public meeting in the State of Georgia for all citizens to hear what goes on at this meeting. This has been presented before the Board for well over a year.)

This INFORMATION was a total WHITEOUT by local media in Valdosta, Georgia and shows a continuous practice and pattern of our local unacceptable News Media. Moreover I have transcribed it (here) because citizens have a right to know what transpires at public meetings in the State of Georgia in 2010.

This practice and pattern have existed for decades and have left citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts from public meetings in our community. But who cares in our beloved Republic in 2010?

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